
(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imap_msgno — Gets the message sequence number for the given UID


int imap_msgno ( resource $imap_stream , int $uid )

Returns the message sequence number for the given uid .

This function is the inverse of imap_uid().

Список параметров


An IMAP stream returned by imap_open().


The message UID

Возвращаемые значения

Returns the message sequence number for the given uid .

Смотрите также


<p>Note that imap_msgno() doesn't ever give you an error message. So, assuming you're passing about message numbers as a UID, be warned that:</p>
<p>$msguid = false;<br>
$msgno = imap_msgno( $your_initialized_connection, $msguid );</p>
<p>Will leave ($msgno==1) - this is probably not what you want, and it's surprisingly easy to miss while you're doing the basic testing.</p>
2001-10-03 09:32:51
For me, this function returns FALSE if uid does not match a message in the current mailbox.
2011-04-20 02:44:27
Here is a simple working snippet to properly check the return value of imap_msgno():

$id = imap_msgno($imapConnection, $mailUid); //convert to normal messagenumber in current context
$verifyUid = imap_uid($imapConnection, $id);
if ($verifyUid != $mailUid)
  throw new Exception("Attention: imap_msgno returned nonsense!  The mail was probably not found in the mailbox!");
2022-05-01 11:37:53

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