
Examples – various code examples

Basic example

Basic example

// Include the Console_CommandLine package.
require_once 'Console/CommandLine.php';

// create the parser
$parser = new Console_CommandLine(array(
'description' => 'zip given files using the php zip module.',
'version'     => '1.0.0'

// add an option to make the program verbose
'short_name'  => '-v',
'long_name'   => '--verbose',
'action'      => 'StoreTrue',
'description' => 'turn on verbose output'

// add an option to delete original files after zipping
'short_name'  => '-d',
'long_name'   => '--delete',
'action'      => 'StoreTrue',
'description' => 'delete original files after zip operation'

// add the files argument, the user can specify one or several files
'multiple' => true,
'description' => 'list of files to zip separated by spaces'

// add the zip file name argument
$parser->addArgument('zipfile', array('description' => 'zip file name'));

// run the parser
try {
$result $parser->parse();
// write your program here...
} catch (
Exception $exc) {

Basic example using an XML definition file

Basic example (XML file)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <description>zip given files using the php zip module.</description>
    <option name="verbose">
        <description>turn on verbose output</description>
    <option name="delete">
        <description>delete original files after zip operation</description>
    <argument name="files">
        <description>a list of files to zip together</description>
    <argument name="zipfile">
        <description>path to the zip file to generate</description>

Basic example (PHP file)

// Include the Console_CommandLine package.
require_once 'Console/CommandLine.php';

// create the parser from xml file
$xmlfile dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 'ex2.xml';
$parser Console_CommandLine::fromXmlFile($xmlfile);

// run the parser
try {
$result $parser->parse();
// todo: your program here ;)
} catch (
Exception $exc) {

Sub-commands example

Sub-commands example

// Include the Console_CommandLine package.
require_once 'Console/CommandLine.php';

// create the parser
$parser = new Console_CommandLine(array(
'description' => 'A great program that can foo and bar !',
'version'     => '1.0.0'

// add a global option to make the program verbose
$parser->addOption('verbose', array(
'short_name'  => '-v',
'long_name'   => '--verbose',
'action'      => 'StoreTrue',
'description' => 'turn on verbose output'

// add the foo subcommand
$foo_cmd $parser->addCommand('foo', array(
'description' => 'output the given string with a foo prefix'
$foo_cmd->addOption('reverse', array(
'short_name'  => '-r',
'long_name'   => '--reverse',
'action'      => 'StoreTrue',
'description' => 'reverse the given string before echoing it'
$foo_cmd->addArgument('text', array(
'description' => 'the text to output'

// add the bar subcommand
$bar_cmd $parser->addCommand('bar', array(
'description' => 'output the given string with a bar prefix'
$bar_cmd->addOption('reverse', array(
'short_name'  => '-r',
'long_name'   => '--reverse',
'action'      => 'StoreTrue',
'description' => 'reverse the given string before echoing it'
$bar_cmd->addArgument('text', array(
'description' => 'the text to output'

// run the parser
try {
$result $parser->parse();
    if (
$result->command_name) {
$st $result->command->options['reverse'
        if (
$result->command_name == 'foo') { 
"Foo says: $st\n";
        } else if (
$result->command_name == 'bar') {
"Bar says: $st\n";
} catch (
Exception $exc) {


Sub-commands example using an XML definition file

Sub-commands example (XML file)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <description>A great program that can foo and bar !</description>
    <option name="verbose">
        <description>turn on verbose output</description>
        <description>output the given string with a foo prefix</description>
        <option name="reverse">
            <description>reverse the string before echoing it</description>
        <argument name="text">
            <description>the text to output</description>
        <description>output the given string with a bar prefix</description>
        <option name="reverse">
            <description>reverse the string before echoing it</description>
        <argument name="text">
            <description>the text to output</description>

Sub-commands example (PHP file)

// Include the Console_CommandLine package.
require_once 'Console/CommandLine.php';

// create the parser
$xmlfile dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 'ex4.xml';
$parser  Console_CommandLine::fromXmlFile($xmlfile);

// run the parser
try {
$result $parser->parse();
    if (
$result->command_name) {
$st $result->command->options['reverse'
        if (
$result->command_name == 'foo') { 
"Foo says: $st\n";
        } else if (
$result->command_name == 'bar') {
"Bar says: $st\n";
} catch (
Exception $exc) {

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