
Scanning – Finding wireless networks

Finding wireless networks

To scan for available wireless networks in your environment, use the scan() method. It takes the network interface name as only parameter and returns an array of Net_Wifi_Cell objects.

You get an array of local wireless interfaces via the getSupportedInterfaces() method.

A cell object looks like this:

Net_Wifi_Cell {
  cell      => string(2) "01"
  mac       => string(17) "00:03:C9:44:34:2C"
  ssid      => string(8) "<hidden>"
  mode      => string(6) "master"
  channel   => int(1)
  encryption=> bool(false)
  frequency => NULL
  protocol  => string(13) "IEEE 802.11bg"
  rate      => float(54)
  rates     => array(12) {
    0   => float(1)
    1   => float(2)
    2   => float(5.5)
    3   => float(6)
  rssi      => string(3) "-39"
  beacon    => int(336)
  quality   => string(6) "90/100"

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