Introduction - Connect

Introduction - Connect -- Connecting and disconnecting a database


To connect to a database you have to use the function connect(), which requires a valid DSN as the first parameter. This parameter can either be a string or an array. If using an array, the array used gets merged with the default information:

$dsn = array(
    'phptype'  => false,
    'dbsyntax' => false,
    'username' => false,
    'password' => false,
    'protocol' => false,
    'hostspec' => false,
    'port'     => false,
    'socket'   => false,
    'database' => false,
Any elements you set override the defaults and the remainder stay at their defaults.

The second parameter is the optional $options array that can contain runtime configuration settings for this package. See setOption() for more information on the available settings.

In case of success you get a new instance of the database class. It is strongly recommened to check this return value with isError().

To disconnect use the method disconnect() from your database class instance.

См. также

DB_Error, setOption(), "Intro - Portability"

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