
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

imap_fetchheaderReturns header for a message


string imap_fetchheader ( resource $imap_stream , int $msg_number [, int $options = 0 ] )

This function causes a fetch of the complete, unfiltered » RFC2822 format header of the specified message.

Список параметров


Поток IMAP, полученный из imap_open().


The message number


The possible options are:

  • FT_UID - The msgno argument is a UID
  • FT_INTERNAL - The return string is in "internal" format, without any attempt to canonicalize to CRLF newlines
  • FT_PREFETCHTEXT - The RFC822.TEXT should be pre-fetched at the same time. This avoids an extra RTT on an IMAP connection if a full message text is desired (e.g. in a "save to local file" operation)

Возвращаемые значения

Returns the header of the specified message as a text string.

Смотрите также


I spend lot of time find out how I can detect messages with
different priorities. When I read users notes I remember
function imap_fetchheader which show header of message
and additional headers too. Because I'm so lazy to work with
regular expressions I required my frend for writing code
- thanx Znouza.
And there is... :)

// connecting to imap mailserver
$connection = @imap_open("{localhost:143/imap}INBOX""your_username""your_password");

// get imap_fetch header and put single lines into array
$header explode("\n"imap_fetchheader($connection1));

// browse array for additional headers
if (is_array($header) && count($header)) {
$head = array();
$header as $line) {
// is line with additional header?
if (eregi("^X-"$line)) {
// separate name and value
eregi("^([^:]*): (.*)"$line$arg);
$head[$arg[1]] = $arg[2];

// now are all contained additional headers in array $head
2005-04-03 10:17:48
If you call the function with the bitmask-parameter FT_PREFETCHTEXT the /Seen flag of the message will be set.
2007-03-08 17:59:29
This function ignore that some header value have multiple lines...

// connecting to imap mailserver
$connection = @imap_open("{localhost:143/imap}INBOX""your_username""your_password");

// get imap_fetch header and put single lines into array
$header explode("\n"imap_fetchheader($connection1));

// browse array for additional headers
if (is_array($header) && count($header)) {
$head = array();
$header as $line) {
// is line with additional header?
if (eregi("^X-"$line)) {
// separate name and value
eregi("^([^:]*): (.*)"$line$arg);
$head[$arg[1]] = $arg[2];

// now are all contained additional headers in array $head

I write this simple function....

$mbox = imap_open("{localhost:143/imap}INBOX", "your_username", "your_password");
$mid=1 // Message id

// Get headers
$header = imap_fetchheader($mbox, $mid);

// Split on \n

foreach ( $h_array as $h ) {

    // Check if row start with a char
    if ( preg_match("/^[A-Z]/i", $h )) {

        $tmp = split(":",$h);
    $header_name = $tmp[0];
    $header_value = $tmp[1];
    $headers[$header_name] = $header_value;
    } else {
        // Append row to previous field
    $headers[$header_name] = $header_value . $h;

2008-03-07 05:18:24
preg_match_all('/([^: ]+): (.+?(?:\r\n\s(?:.+?))*)\r\n/m'$headers$matches);

Works quite well for splitting headers,
$matches will contain 3 arrays:
$matches[0] are the full-lines (To:\r\n)
$matches[1] will be the header (To)
$matches[2] will be the value (

In multi-line values the 'multilining is not stripped!'
this could be achieved with something like:
2008-04-06 18:15:39
Interesting that imap_headerinfo() does not allow a UID for the $msg_number field like all other fetching functions seem to allow.

If you want to use a UID to fetch the headers, use this two-step process:

 * assumes $mbox is your stream, and $uid is set 
 * properly. Proper error checking is up to you.
$hText imap_fetchbody($mbox$uid'0'FT_UID);
$headers imap_rfc822_parse_headers($hText);

The result is the same as the output of imap_headerinfo(), but you get to use the UID.
2010-06-24 12:52:56
Here is a simple function to get an array with all headers.

function mail_header_parse($mbox,$msg){
preg_match_all("/^([^\r\n:]+)\s*[:]\s*([^\r\n:]+(?:[\r]?[\n][ \t][^\r\n]+)*)/m",$header,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
$matches as $match){
2015-06-15 17:03:55

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