
(PECL mongo >= 1.2.3)

MongoLog::getLevelGets the level(s) currently being logged


public static int MongoLog::getLevel ( void )

This function can be used to see which log levels are currently enabled. The returned integer may be compared with the MongoLog level constants using bitwise operators to check for specific log levels.


if (MongoLog::getLevel() & MongoLog::FINE) {
"lots of logs\n";

if (
MongoLog::getLevel() ^ MongoLog::NONE) {
"logging, at least a little\n";

if (
MongoLog::getLevel() == MongoLog::ALL) {
"logging at the highest levels\n";


Список параметров

У этой функции нет параметров.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns the level(s) currently being logged.


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