Помощники(далее по тексту хелперы (Helpers)) это классы похожие на Коспоненты, служащие для слоя отображения. Хелперы содержат логику отображения, и могут быть использованы в Видах(Views), Элементах(Elemwnts) и Шаблонах(Layouts). В данной главе показано как создать свой Хелпер, а так же немечены основные задачи которые помогут решить Хелперы CakePHP
CakePHP имеет ряд Хелперов, которые помогают в создании представления. Они помогают в создании хорошо сформированной разметки (в том числе форм), помогают ри форматировании текста, дат и времени, цифр, и даже может ускорить функциональность AJAX. Для получения дополнительной информации о Хелперах, включенных в CakePHP, посмотрите раздел для каждого Хелпера:
Использование и настройка Хелперов¶
You enable helpers in CakePHP by making a controller aware of them. Each controller has a $helpers property that lists the helpers to be made available in the view. To enable a helper in your view, add the name of the helper to the controller’s $helpers array:
class BakeriesController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'Js', 'Time');
Adding helpers from plugins uses the plugin syntax used elsewhere in CakePHP:
class BakeriesController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('Blog.Comment');
You can also add helpers from within an action, so they will only be available to that action and not the other actions in the controller. This saves processing power for the other actions that do not use the helper as well as help keep the controller better organized:
class BakeriesController extends AppController {
public function bake() {
$this->helpers[] = 'Time';
public function mix() {
// The Time helper is not loaded here and thus not available
If you need to enable a helper for all controllers add the name of the helper to the $helpers array in /app/Controller/AppController.php (or create if not present). Remember to include the default Html and Form helpers:
class AppController extends Controller {
public $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'Js', 'Time');
You can pass options to helpers. These options can be used to set attribute values or modify behavior of a helper:
class AwesomeHelper extends AppHelper {
public function __construct(View $view, $settings = array()) {
parent::__construct($view, $settings);
class AwesomeController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('Awesome' => array('option1' => 'value1'));
As of 2.3 the options are merged with the Helper::$settings property of the helper.
One common setting to use is the className option, which allows you to create aliased helpers in your views. This feature is useful when you want to replace $this->Html or another common Helper reference with a custom implementation:
// app/Controller/PostsController.php
class PostsController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array(
'Html' => array(
'className' => 'MyHtml'
// app/View/Helper/MyHtmlHelper.php
App::uses('HtmlHelper', 'View/Helper');
class MyHtmlHelper extends HtmlHelper {
// Add your code to override the core HtmlHelper
The above would alias MyHtmlHelper to $this->Html in your views.
Aliasing a helper replaces that instance anywhere that helper is used, including inside other Helpers.
Using helper settings allows you to declaratively configure your helpers and keep configuration logic out of your controller actions. If you have configuration options that cannot be included as part of a class declaration, you can set those in your controller’s beforeRender callback:
class PostsController extends AppController {
public function beforeRender() {
$this->helpers['CustomStuff'] = $this->_getCustomStuffSettings();
Using Helpers¶
Once you’ve configured which helpers you want to use in your controller, each helper is exposed as a public property in the view. For example, if you were using the HtmlHelper you would be able to access it by doing the following:
echo $this->Html->css('styles');
The above would call the css method on the HtmlHelper. You can access any loaded helper using $this->{$helperName}. There may come a time where you need to dynamically load a helper from inside a view. You can use the view’s HelperCollection to do this:
$mediaHelper = $this->Helpers->load('Media', $mediaSettings);
The HelperCollection is a collection and supports the collection API used elsewhere in CakePHP.
Callback methods¶
Helpers feature several callbacks that allow you to augment the view rendering process. See the Helper API and the /core-libraries/collections documentation for more information.
Creating Helpers¶
If a core helper (or one showcased on GitHub or the Bakery) doesn’t fit your needs, helpers are easy to create.
Let’s say we wanted to create a helper that could be used to output a specifically crafted CSS-styled link you needed many different places in your application. In order to fit your logic in to CakePHP’s existing helper structure, you’ll need to create a new class in /app/View/Helper. Let’s call our helper LinkHelper. The actual PHP class file would look something like this:
/* /app/View/Helper/LinkHelper.php */
App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
class LinkHelper extends AppHelper {
public function makeEdit($title, $url) {
// Logic to create specially formatted link goes here...
Helpers must extend either AppHelper or Helper or implement all the callbacks in the Helper API.
Including other Helpers¶
You may wish to use some functionality already existing in another helper. To do so, you can specify helpers you wish to use with a $helpers array, formatted just as you would in a controller:
/* /app/View/Helper/LinkHelper.php (using other helpers) */
App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
class LinkHelper extends AppHelper {
public $helpers = array('Html');
public function makeEdit($title, $url) {
// Use the HTML helper to output
// formatted data:
$link = $this->Html->link($title, $url, array('class' => 'edit'));
return '<div class="editOuter">' . $link . '</div>';
Using your Helper¶
Once you’ve created your helper and placed it in /app/View/Helper/, you’ll be able to include it in your controllers using the special variable $helpers:
class PostsController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('Link');
Once your controller has been made aware of this new class, you can use it in your views by accessing an object named after the helper:
<!-- make a link using the new helper -->
<?php echo $this->Link->makeEdit('Change this Recipe', '/recipes/edit/5'); ?>
Creating Functionality for All Helpers¶
All helpers extend a special class, AppHelper (just like models extend AppModel and controllers extend AppController). To create functionality that would be available to all helpers, create /app/View/Helper/AppHelper.php:
App::uses('Helper', 'View');
class AppHelper extends Helper {
public function customMethod() {
Helper API¶
- class Helper¶
The base class for Helpers. It provides a number of utility methods and features for loading other helpers.
- Helper::webroot($file)¶
Resolve a file name to the webroot of the application. If a theme is active and the file exists in the current theme’s webroot, the path to the themed file will be returned.
- Helper::url($url, $full = false)¶
Generates an HTML escaped URL, delegates to Router::url().
- Helper::value($options = array(), $field = null, $key = 'value')¶
Get the value for a given input name.
- Helper::domId($options = null, $id = 'id')¶
Generate a CamelCased id value for the currently selected field. Overriding this method in your AppHelper will allow you to change how CakePHP generates ID attributes.
- Helper::beforeRenderFile($viewFile)¶
Is called before each view file is rendered. This includes elements, views, parent views and layouts.
- Helper::afterRenderFile($viewFile, $content)¶
Is called after each view file is rendered. This includes elements, views, parent views and layouts. A callback can modify and return $content to change how the rendered content will be displayed in the browser.
- Helper::beforeRender($viewFile)¶
The beforeRender method is called after the controller’s beforeRender method but before the controller renders view and layout. Receives the file being rendered as an argument.
- Helper::afterRender($viewFile)¶
Is called after the view has been rendered but before layout rendering has started.
- Helper::beforeLayout($layoutFile)¶
Is called before layout rendering starts. Receives the layout filename as an argument.
- Helper::afterLayout($layoutFile)¶
Is called after layout rendering is complete. Receives the layout filename as an argument.