The Phar class


The Phar class provides a high-level interface to accessing and creating phar archives.

Class synopsis

class Phar extends DirectoryIterator implements Countable , ArrayAccess {
/* Properties */
/* Methods */
string apiVersion ( void )
array buildFromIterator ( Iterator $iter [, string $base_directory ] )
bool canCompress ([ int $type ] )
bool canWrite ( void )
object compress ( int $compression )
bool compressAllFilesBZIP2 ( void )
bool compressAllFilesGZ ( void )
void __construct ( string $fname [, int $flags [, string $alias ]] )
bool convertToPhar ( string $extension )
bool convertToTar ( int $compression )
bool convertToZip ( void )
bool copy ( string $oldfile , string $newfile )
int count ( void )
string createDefaultStub ( void )
int delMetadata ( void )
int getMetaData ( void )
bool getModified ( void )
array getSignature ( void )
string getStub ( void )
array getSupportedCompression ( void )
array getSupportedSignatures ( void )
string getVersion ( void )
int hasMetadata ( void )
void interceptFileFuncs ( void )
bool isBuffering ( void )
mixed isCompressed ( void )
bool isPhar ( void )
bool isTar ( void )
bool isValidPharFilename ( string $filename )
bool isZip ( void )
mixed loadPhar ( string $filename [, string $alias ] )
mixed mapPhar ([ string $alias [, int $dataoffset ]] )
void mungServer ( array $munglist )
bool offsetExists ( string $offset )
int offsetGet ( string $offset )
void offsetSet ( string $offset , string $value )
bool offsetUnset ( string $offset )
bool setAlias ( string $alias )
void setMetadata ( mixed $metadata )
array setSignatureAlgorithm ( int $sigtype )
void setStub ( string $stub )
void startBuffering ( void )
void stopBuffering ( void )
bool uncompressAllFiles ( void )
void webPhar ( string $alias , string $index , string $f404 , array $mimetypes , array $rewrites )



Hey, I thought writing a small article about the upcoming functionality and appearance of Phar in php5.3 might be a nice thing. So I did this at - hope to save others some time when working with Phar.
2008-05-17 23:18:36
Onion utility can help you compile a package into a phar file (executable script file or library file)

   $ onion.phar compile \
    --executable \
    --classloader \
    --bootstrap scripts/onion.embed \
    --lib src \
    --lib ../CLIFramework/src \
    --lib ../GetOptionKit/src \
    --output onion.phar
2011-12-19 10:49:57

    Поддержать сайт на родительском проекте КГБ