
(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

SAMConnection->connect() — Establishes a connection to a Messaging Server


bool connect ( string $protocol [, array $properties ] )

Calling the "connect" method on a SAMConnection object connects the PHP script to a messaging server. No messages can be sent or received until a connection is made.

Список параметров

Возвращаемые значения

This method returns FALSE if an error occurs.


Пример #1 Creating a connection to a Messaging Server using the IBM MQSeries protocol (WMQ)


->connect(SAM_WMQ, array(SAM_HOST => ''SAM_PORT => 1506SAM_BROKER => 'MyBroker'));


Пример #2 Creating a connection with application transaction control and default host and port values


->connect(SAM_WMQ, array(SAM_BROKER => 'MyBroker'SAM_TRANSACTIONS => SAM_MANUAL));


Пример #3 Creating a connection to a Messaging Server using the IBM WebSphere Platform Messaging protocol (WPM)


->connect(SAM_WPM, array(SAM_ENDPOINTS => 'localhost:7278:BootstrapBasicMessaging',
SAM_BUS => 'Bus1'SAM_TARGETCHAIN => 'InboundBasicMessaging'));



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