
(PECL imagick 2.0.0)

Imagick::resizeImageScales an image


bool Imagick::resizeImage ( int $columns , int $rows , int $filter , float $blur [, bool $bestfit = false ] )

К настоящему времени эта функция еще не была документирована; для ознакомления доступен только список аргументов.

Scales an image to the desired dimensions with a filter.

Замечание: Поведение параметра bestfit было изменено в Imagick 3.0.0. До этой версии при изменении изображения размером 200x150 до 400x300 никаких операций не происходило. В Imagick 3.0.0 и далее изображение будет масштабировано до размеров 400x300, так как это наилучшим образом соответствует ("best fit") данным размерам. Если используется параметр bestfit, то ширина и высота также должны быть определены.

Список параметров


Width of the image


Height of the image


Refer to the list of filter constants.


The blur factor where > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp.


Optional fit parameter.

Возвращаемые значения

В случае успешной работы возвращает TRUE.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
2.1.0 Added optional fit parameter. This method now supports proportional scaling. Pass zero as either parameter for proportional scaling.


blur:  > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp

To create a nice thumbnail (LANCZOS is the slowest filter):


= new Imagick();
$thumb->readImage('myimage.gif');    $thumb->resizeImage(320,240,Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS,1);


Or, a shorter version of the same:


= new Imagick('myimage.gif');



2007-08-25 02:08:35
if (
$height $width)

Something like this will cause a fatal error when you try to create a thumbnail of an uploaded picture of.. 10x15000 resolution.

It will work nice only if you enable the 'fit':

if (
$width 800)
if (
$height 600)

Note: Maybe I misspelled something or though something wrong. i.e. you could think why would I create a thumbnail of 800x600.

Hope it will helps s/o
2008-11-05 21:50:44
Having to do alot of resizing, i needed to know the speeds of the different resize filters.
This was how long it took to resize a 5906x5906 JPEG image to 1181x1181.

FILTER_POINT took: 0.334532976151 seconds
FILTER_BOX took: 0.777871131897 seconds
FILTER_TRIANGLE took: 1.3695909977 seconds
FILTER_HERMITE took: 1.35866093636 seconds
FILTER_HANNING took: 4.88722896576 seconds
FILTER_HAMMING took: 4.88665103912 seconds
FILTER_BLACKMAN took: 4.89026689529 seconds
FILTER_GAUSSIAN took: 1.93553304672 seconds
FILTER_QUADRATIC took: 1.93322920799 seconds
FILTER_CUBIC took: 2.58396601677 seconds
FILTER_CATROM took: 2.58508896828 seconds
FILTER_MITCHELL took: 2.58368492126 seconds
FILTER_LANCZOS took: 3.74232912064 seconds
FILTER_BESSEL took: 4.03305602074 seconds
FILTER_SINC took: 4.90098690987 seconds 

I ended up choosing CATROM as it has a very similar result to LANCZOS, but is significantly faster.
2009-11-08 16:32:09
Use setImageOpacity(1.0) before resizing, for proper handling of transparency in png and gif.
2009-11-16 15:18:17
In our linux environment, using resizeImage with any filter produced extremely high CPU Utilization (in the range of 40-50%) while doing batch resizing.

We switched to scaleImage, which produces similar results to FILTER_BOX, and CPU Utilization dropped to 2-3%. 

Using XHProf to profile the two batch jobs showed amazing decreases in CPU Time, so if you're doing a lot of picture resizing, it might be beneficial to use scaleImage instead of resizeImage, as it seems to be much much more efficient.
2011-04-15 20:37:46

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