Class Summary HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer

Class Summary HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer – The renderer that creates an array of visible menu entries.

Output array

The resultant array can be used with e.g. a template engine to produce a completely custom menu look.

All menu types except 'rows' are "rendered" into a one-dimensional array of entries:


while 'rows' produce a two-dimensional array:

'entry 1 for row 1', ..., 'entry M_1 for row 1'),
'entry 1 for row N', ..., 'entry M_N for row 1')

Here entry is

'url'    => url element of menu entry
'title'  => title element of menu entry
'level'  => entry's depth in the tree structure
type'   => type of entry, one of HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants

A list of the above mentioned HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants can be found here.

Class Trees for HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer

HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer Inherited Methods

Inherited from HTML_Menu_Renderer
Method Name Summary
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel() Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap')
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu() Finish the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow() Finish the row in the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry() Renders the element of the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType() Sets the type of the menu being rendered.
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