Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action – Class representing an action to perform on HTTP request.


The Controller will select the appropriate Action to call on the request and call its perform() method. The subclasses of this class should implement all the necessary business logic.

The default action handlers are described in the FAQ section.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Action

  • HTML_QuickForm_Action

Classes that extend HTML_QuickForm_Action
Class Summary
HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back The action for a 'back' button of wizard-type multipage form.
HTML_QuickForm_Action_Direct This action allows to go to a specific page of a multipage form.
HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display This action handles the output of the form.
HTML_QuickForm_Action_Jump The action handles the HTTP redirect to a specific page.
HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next The action for a 'next' button of wizard-type multipage form.
HTML_QuickForm_Action_Submit The action for a 'submit' button.
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