Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_element

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_element – Base class for form elements


This is a base class for all QuickForm elements. It defines the API that is implemented by all the child classes representing actual form elements. You should use these elements, there is no need to directly instantiate HTML_QuickForm_element.

If you would like to create your own element to use with QuickForm, you should extend this class or one of its descendants and make sure to implement all methods defined here. There is also toHtml() method defined in HTML_Common that should be implemented.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_element

  • HTML_Common

    • HTML_QuickForm_element

Classes that extend HTML_QuickForm_element
Class Summary
HTML_QuickForm_group HTML class for a form element group
HTML_QuickForm_input Base class for input form elements
HTML_QuickForm_select Class to dynamically create an HTML SELECT
HTML_QuickForm_static HTML class for static data
HTML_QuickForm_textarea HTML class for a textarea type field
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