Built-in validation Rules

Built-in validation Rules – List of built-in validation Rules

Registered Rules

For your convenience, all rules included in the package are already registered with HTML_QuickForm2_Factory and can be easily created with createRule() / addRule(). Some of the rule classes are registered under several names with different configuration data to save keystrokes and improve readability:

// these calls are identical
$username->addRule('minlength''Username should be at least 4 characters long'4);
$username->addRule('length''Username should be at least 4 characters long', array('min' => 4));

// as are these
$start->addRule('lt''Start should be less than finish'$finish);
$start->addRule('compare''Start should be less than finish',
'operator' => '<''operand' => $finish));
List of validation rules known to HTML_QuickForm2_Factory
Rule name Class name Описание Configuration
nonempty HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Nonempty Checks that the field is not empty Minimum number of nonempty values for Containers / arrays, integer
empty HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Empty Checks that the field is empty  
required HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Required Like nonempty, but the field is marked as required in output Like nonempty
compare HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Compare Compares the value of the field with some other value using the given operator Either of the following:
  • operand
  • array([operator, ]operand)
  • array(['operator' => operator, ]['operand' => operand])
If operator is missing it will default to '==='. Operand can either be a literal value or another form element.
eq As compare rule with hardcoded '===' operator Operand. The values are compared as strings.
neq As compare rule with hardcoded '!==' operator
lt As compare rule with hardcoded '<' operator Operand. The values are compared as numbers.
lte As compare rule with hardcoded '<=' operator
gt As compare rule with hardcoded '>' operator
gte As compare rule with hardcoded '>=' operator
regex HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Regex Checks that the field value matches the given regular expression. Regular expression, string. Use slashes for delimiters if you intend to do client-side validation.
email HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Email Checks that the field value is a valid email address. Currently the most common address format is recognised, support for additional RFC 5321 features and DNS checks is planned.  
callback HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Callback Checks the value using a provided callback function (method). It is expected to return TRUE if the element is valid Either of
  • A valid callback
  • array ('callback' => validation callback [, 'arguments' => additional arguments] [, 'js_callback' => javascript callback for client-side validation])
length HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Length Checks that the value's length is within the given limits Either of
  • integer (rule checks for exact length)
  • array(minlength, maxlength)
  • array(['min' => minlength, ]['max' => maxlength])
minlength Checks that the value's length is at least the given number of characters Minimal length, integer
maxlength Checks that the value's length is at most the given number of characters Maximal length, integer
notcallback HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_NotCallback Checks the value using a provided callback function (method). It is expected to return FALSE if the element is valid. Like callback
notregex HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_NotRegex Checks that the field value does not match the given regular expression. Like regex
Rules specific for file uploads
maxfilesize HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_MaxFileSize Checks that uploaded file size does not exceed the given limit Maximum allowed file size, integer
mimetype HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_MimeType Checks that uploaded file is of the correct MIME type Allowed MIME type or an array of types
Rules specific for containers
each HTML_QuickForm2_Rule_Each Validates all elements in a Container using a template Rule Template Rule, instance of HTML_QuickForm2_Rule

Usage of builtin rules is covered in builtin-rules.php example installed with the package.

Registering new rules

New rule types are registered by HTML_QuickForm2_Factory::registerRule() which accepts rule type name, corresponding class name and optionally file name containing that class and default configuration data for all rules of the given type.

// registers a callback rule with a specific callback
'callback' => 'in_array')

$field->addRule('inarray''wrong variable name!', array('foo''bar''baz'));
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