flexy:if="variable or method()"

flexy:if="variable or method()" – creates a PHP if conditional tag


Usage ( flexy:if="variable" , flexy:if="method()" , flexy:if="object.method()" )


creates an if condition surrounding the tag that it's included in.


  • string variable - relates to $object->variable

  • string method - relates to $object->method()

  • string object.method relates to $object->object->method()


Setting variables for foreach

          class output {
    function hasTest() {
        return false;
    function run() {
        $this->a = true;
        $this->message = 'oops'

flexy:if in template


<a href="{baseURL}/somepath.html" flexy:if="a">this is the a link</a>
<a href="{baseURL}/somepath.html" flexy:if="!a">this is not the a link</a>
<b flexy:if="hasTest()">hasTest is true</b>
<b flexy:if="!hasTest()">hasTest is false</b>

<span flexy:if="message" class="error">{message}</span>

Compiled template

<?php if ($t->a)  { ?><A HREF="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($t->baseURL); ?>/somepath.html">this is the a link</A><?php } ?>
<?php if (!$t->a)  { ?><A HREF="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($t->baseURL); ?>/somepath.html">this is not the a link</A><?php } ?>
<?php if (isset($t) && method_exists($t,'hasTest')) if ($t->hasTest()) {  ?><B>hasTest is true</B><?php } ?>
<?php if (isset($t) && method_exists($t,'hasTest')) if (!$t->hasTest()) {  ?><B>hasTest is false</B><?php } ?>
<?php if ($t->message)  { ?><SPAN CLASS="error"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($t->message); ?></SPAN><?php } ?>

Simple ouput example

this is the a link
hasTest is false

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