
setCallbackFunction() – Sets a callback function.


require_once 'HTML/Template/Sigma.php';

mixed HTML_Template_Sigma::setCallbackFunction ( string $tplFunction , mixed $callback , bool $preserveArgs = false )


Sets a callback function. Sigma templates can contain simple function calls. This means that the author of the template can add a special placeholder to it: func_h1("embedded in h1") Sigma will parse the template for these placeholders and will allow you to define a callback function for them. Callback will be called automatically when the block containing such function call is parse()'d.

Please note that arguments to these template functions can contain variable placeholders: func_translate('Hello, {username}'), but not blocks or other function calls.

This should NOT be used to add logic (except some presentation one) to the template. If you use a lot of such callbacks and implement business logic through them, then you're reinventing the wheel. Consider using XML/XSLT, native PHP or some other template engine.


function h_one($arg)
'<h1>' $arg '</h1>';
// ...
$tpl = new HTML_Template_Sigma(' ... ');
// ...
// ...


func_h1('H1 Headline')


string $tplFunction

Function name in the template

mixed $callback

A callback: anything that can be passed to call_user_func_array()

boolean $preserveArgs

If TRUE, then no variable substitution in arguments will take place before function call

Return value

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Possible PEAR_Error values
Error code Error message Reason Solution
SIGMA_INVALID_CALLBACK Callback does not exist The $callback is not an existing function or method Check spelling, check whether the object was correctly instantiated if using the method callback


This function can not be called statically.

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