Tree-construction methods

Actually, you have three different methods to build the tree:

By hand

This is the 'hard' way, like the example above. You have to set each node by hand.

Importing XML

You can import a formatted XML file into the tree structure. It supports string of XML_Tree object :)

XML Format

  <node text="First node" icon="folder.gif" expandedIcon="folder-expanded.gif" />
  <node text="Second node" icon="folder.gif" expandedIcon="folder-expanded.gif">
    <node text="Sub node" icon="folder.gif" expandedIcon="folder-expanded.gif" />
  <node text="Third node" icon="folder.gif" expandedIcon="folder-expanded.gif">

Пример with a string (not tested)

require_once 'HTML/TreeMenu.php';

// Load the XML file
$xml file_get_contents('tree.xml');

$menu = new HTML_TreeMenu();

// Chose a generator. You can generate DHTML or a Listbox
//$tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox($menu);
$tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu);


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