Пример –
Usage example for Image_Canvas
Generation of a sample image in PNG format
require_once 'Image/Canvas.php';
// change the output format with the first parameter of factory()
$Canvas =& Image_Canvas::factory('png', array('width' => 400, 'height' => 300));
$Canvas->rectangle(array('x0' => 0, 'y0' => 0, 'x1' => 399, 'y1' => 299));
$Canvas->setGradientFill(array('direction' => 'horizontal', 'start' => 'red', 'end' => 'blue'));
$Canvas->ellipse(array('x' => 199, 'y' => 149, 'rx' => 50, 'ry' => 50));
$Canvas->setFont(array('name' => 'Arial', 'size' => 12));
$Canvas->addText(array('x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'text' => 'Demonstration of what Image_Canvas do!'));
$Canvas->setFont(array('name' => 'Times New Roman', 'size' => 12));
$Canvas->addText(array('x' => 399, 'y' => 20, 'text' => 'This does not demonstrate what is does!', 'alignment' => array('horizontal' => 'right')));
$Canvas->setFont(array('name' => 'Courier New', 'size' => 7, 'angle' => 270));
$Canvas->addText(array('x' => 350, 'y' => 50, 'text' => 'True, but it\'s all independent of the format!', 'alignment' => array('horizontal' => 'right')));
$Canvas->setFont(array('name' => 'Garamond', 'size' => 10));
$Canvas->addText(array('x' => 199, 'y' => 295, 'text' => '[Changing format is done by changing 3 letters in the source]', 'alignment' => array('horizontal' => 'center', 'vertical' => 'bottom')));
$Canvas->addVertex(array('x' => 50, 'y' => 200));
$Canvas->addVertex(array('x' => 100, 'y' => 200));
$Canvas->addVertex(array('x' => 100, 'y' => 250));
$Canvas->polygon(array('connect' => true));
$Canvas->image(array('x' => 398, 'y' => 298, 'filename' => './pear-icon.png', 'alignment' => array('horizontal' => 'right', 'vertical' => 'bottom')));