Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheLiteFunction
Class Summary
Translation2_Decorator_CacheLiteFunction – Decorator to cache fetched data using Cache_Lite_Function class
Cache_Lite_Function Decorator Пример
This decorator provides a very efficient cache layer. It requires PEAR::Cache_Lite. It supports all the main options supported by Cache_Lite:
If you need to pass an option directly to the Cache_Lite object, you can use setCacheOption().
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('CacheLiteFunction');
$tr->setOption('cacheDir', '/var/tmp/');
$tr->setOption('lifeTime', 3600*24*7); //one week
//change a custom Cache_Lite option
$tr->setCacheOption($name, $value);