
News – What is New in version ?

Version 1.0.x

  • Initial PEAR public release occured at end of April 2003.

  • Moved output of the PEAR_Info to PEAR_Info::show()

  • Local PEAR logo copy included

  • Added PEAR Configuration section to the output

Version 1.5.x

  • Allows Off-Line viewing

  • Shows *all* installed packages, whether in PEAR or not

  • You can now specify a custom PEAR config file

Version 1.6.x

  • Added static method, PEAR_Info::packageInstalled(). Allows to check if a package is installed or not.

Version 1.7.x

  • Easy change look and feel with a simple CSS file

  • Show packages dependencies list

  • HTML page output is XHTML compliant

  • Introduce a full and flexible configuration system to show only information you want

  • Show channel list

  • Show maintainer inactive status in Credits page

  • Support REST 1.0 protocol

  • Drop support of package xml 1.0

  • Credits page is now customizable with PEAR_INFO_CREDITS_* constant

  • You may have a standalone html page (default behavior) with PEAR_INFO_FULLPAGE, or part of it

  • Removed support of PEAR 1.3.x

  • Upgrade requirement to PHP 4.3.0 and PEAR 1.5.4 (to avoid security vulnerability)

  • Coding Standard fixes (errors/warnings) following recommandation by PHP_CodeSniffer

Version 1.8.x

  • PEAR_Info is also available now on command line (CLI), and display a text report as phpinfo() did.

Version 1.9.x

  • Beautify Html output with some additional links
  • Show list of all files PEAR searches for configs, not only the files that were actually read. Render of alternative configuration file found/notfound is allowed by CSS selectors.
  • fix encoding character in credits page for Sérgio Carvalho and Stig Sæther Bakken
  • improve render and display index only when there are packages (in main page) improve render and did not display maintainers empty list (in credits page)
  • add a counter of installed packages for each channel (in main page)
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