
PEAR_PackageUpdate::factory – Factory method for creating PEAR_PackageUpdate frontend instances.


require_once 'PEAR/PackageUpdate.php';

mixed PEAR_PackageUpdate::factory ( string $driver , string $packageName , string $channel , string $user_file = '' , string $system_file = '' , string $pref_file = '' )


Factory method for creating PEAR_PackageUpdate frontend instances.


string $driver

The name of a frontend driver class. Must be one of Gtk2, Cli, or Web.

string $packageName

The name of the package to be updated. Пример: PEAR_PackageFileManager_Web.

string $channel

The name of the channel $packageName is hosted on. This may be a fully qualified channel name such as or a short channel name like pear.

string $user_file

The path to the file to read PEAR user-defined options from.

string $system_file

The path to the file to read PEAR system-wide defaults from.

string $pref_file

The path to the file to read user's preferences from.


throws PEAR_PACKAGEUPDATE_ERROR_NONEXISTENTDRIVER, when invalid driver name is used (i.e. Gtk2, Cli, Web).


since 0.4.0a1

This function should be called statically.

Return value

mixed - reference to a new object or FALSE if the object could not be created (i.e. invalid driver name).

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