The Command-Line Script

The Command-Line Script – generating PEAR_Size reports at the commandline.

Switches and options

The pear size command can be used to generate reports.

  Usage: pear size [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE]
Display information on how much space an installed PEAR package required.

  -a, --all            display information for all installed packages
  -A, --allchannels    list packages from all channels, not just the default one
  -c, --channel        specify which channel
  -C, --csv            output results in CSV format (sizes are measured in bytes).
  -h, --human-readable print sizes in human readable format (for example: 492 B 1KB 7MB)
  -H, --si             likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024
  -t, --type           specify what type of files are required for the report
                       by default all types are assumed
  -s, --summarise      display channel summary view
  -S, --fsort          sort by file size
  -v, --verbose        display more detailed information
      --help           display this help and exit
  -V, --version        output version information and exit
  -X, --xml            output results in XML format
  -0, --killzero       do not output zero values in verbose mode

You can specify a subset of roles/file-types to be listed in the report.
These roles are those as supported by the PEAR installer.
These are: data, doc, ext, php, script, src, test

                $ pear size --all
                $ pear size Console_Table
                $ pear size -ttest,doc Console_Table
                $ pear size --type=test,doc,php -h Console_Table Date_Holidays
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