
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticHasErrors()  --  Determine whether there are any errors on any error stack



Static version of PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors(). Returns TRUE if any singleton stack has any errors pending. Since PEAR 1.3.2, If $package is specified, it will call PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors for the singleton error stack of that package. If level is specified, hasErrors will ignore any errors not conforming to the error level specified. Use this to simulate error_reporting(E_NOTICE), for example


string|FALSE $package

Package name to retrieve error information from, or false to retrieve error information from all singleton stacks

string $level

Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred (errors will be ignored)


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

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