DB_Table Forms Tutorial

DB_Table Forms Tutorial --  Creating HTML_QuickForm forms


This page documents the use of the DB_Table class to create HTML_QuickForm form elements appropriate for the columns of a table, and to create entire data entry forms. DB_Table can use the column definitions to automatically create default form elements for you. Although your plain column definitions will do fine at first, you will want to customize the labels and options for your form elements. You can do so by adding 'qf_*' keys to your column definitions

Note: The underlying HTML_QuickForm package is a very powerful library with many options. While DB_Table automates away much of the complexity for simple forms, the full power of HTML_QuickForm can only be realized by combining the automatic element creation from DB_Table with custom-created HTML_QuickForm objects. DB_Table makes it easy to get started with HTML_QuickForm, but does not replace it.

Simple Form with Default Elements

Once you have defined your columns and instantiated an object, you can generate a complete HTML_QuickForm object using the getForm() method. If getForm() is called with no parameters, it will return a form with all of the $GuestBook object columns as input fields.

Simple Form with Custom Elements

The basic form is nice, but it's very generic. It doesn't have descriptive labels for the input fields, all the fields are text boxes, and so on. This section shows you how to include form element properties along with your column definitions so that your forms are customized in a somewhat consistent fashion.

In every case you will modify the $col property by adding 'qf_*' keys and values.

Element Label

When a column appears in a form, you can make sure the same label is always applied to it. Let's say we have a column called "other" defined as a 32-character string. We always want it to be labelled as "Other Information" in our forms; use 'qf_label' key like this:

Element Type

By default, DB_Table will try to figure out what kind of form field input type to use for your column. Most column types translate into text fields, but there are some exceptions.

  • Boolean columns become HTML_QuickForm 'advcheckbox' fields with values of 0 for not-checked and 1 for checked.

  • CLOB columns become HTML_QuickForm 'textarea' fields

  • Date columns become HTML_QuickForm 'date' select fields in 'Y-m-d' format.

  • Time columns become HTML_QuickForm 'date' select fields in 'H:i:s' format.

  • Timestamp columns become HTML_QuickForm 'date' select fields in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format

To explicitly set the HTML_QuickForm element type for a column, rather than relying on the above defaults, you add a 'qf_type' element to your column definition. You can tell DB_Table to create any of several supported HTML_QuickForm element types by setting the 'qf_type' element to one of these string values:

  • 'checkbox' for a single checkbox; maps to the 'advcheckbox' HTML_QuickForm type

  • 'hidden' for a hidden element

  • 'password' for a password text box

  • 'radio' for a set of radio buttons

  • 'select' for a select menu

  • 'text' for a text box

  • 'textarea' for a text area

  • 'date' for a date selector; formats as 'Y-m-d'

  • 'time' for a time selector; maps to 'date', formats as 'H:i:s'

  • 'timestamp' for a timestamp selector; maps to 'date', formats as 'Y-m-d H:i:s'

If you use any other element name, DB_Table will attempt to map to the proper HTML_QuickForm element (thanks to Moritz Heidkamp for the patch), but it's not guaranteed to work.

In this example, we'll make the 'example' column a text field:

Element Values

If your column form element is 'checkbox', 'radio', or 'select', you can set the values of the available choices for the form element. You do so via an 'sq_vals' element in the corresponding column definition.

Element HTML Attributes

If you like, you can add HTML attributes to the form element using the 'qf_attrs' keys. Attributes are assigned as key-value pairs in an associative array; the keys is the attribute name, and the value is the attribute value. For example, to set the number of rows and columns for a textarea element:

DB_Table automatically adds a "maxlength" attribute to text and password elements based on the column size, so that users cannot type in values longer than the column allows.

Element Rules

HTML_QuickForm allows you to add validation rules to the input form. These rules are not the same as the DB_Table automated validations; the HTML_QuickForm rules apply only to the values as they relate to the form itself, not the values related to the table proper. This is an important distinction that will become apparent as you use HTML_QuickForm.

The available rules are:

  • email - the form input must be an email address

  • lettersonly -- the form nput must consist only of letters

  • maxlength -- the form input cannot have more than this many characters

  • maxlength -- the form input cannot have fewer than this many characters

  • nonzero -- the form input must be greater than or less than zero

  • nopunctuation -- the form input may not contain punctuation

  • numeric -- the form input must be a number of some sort (no letters)

  • regex -- the form input must match a regular expression

  • required -- the form input is required to be filled (even with a single space)

DB_Table will automatically add HTML_QuickForm rules for you in most cases.

  • If the column is required ('require' => true), then DB_Table will add a 'required' HTML_QuickForm rule.

  • If the column is numeric ('smallint', 'integer', 'bigint', 'single', 'double', or 'timestep') then DB_Table will a 'numeric' HTML_QuickForm rule.

  • If the column has a specific size ('size'), then DB_Table will add a 'maxlength' rule.

If you want to use a specific HTML_QuickForm rule for a column when that column appears in a form, set 'qf_rules' key to the name of the rule and set the value for that rule; in most cases, the value is an error message, but in some cases the value is a sequential array. You can add as many different rules as you like, but you can add only one of each type.

Setting Default Values

Sometimes you will want to populate your input form with default values, such as the current values from the database. Doing so is easy.

When you call getForm(), instead of passing a sequential array of column names, pass an associative array in which the key is the column name and the value is the column value.

Element Names as Array Keys

By default, when you call getForm(), the form elements are named for their columns. For example, the column 'fname' is called 'fname' in the form.

<!-- [snip] the beginning of the form -->

<input type="text" name="fname" ... />

<!-- [snip] the end of the form -->
However, often you will want the form elements to be keys in any array instead of their own separate variables. This is particularly useful when you are going to use the values in a DB_Table insert() or update() call.

To do so, pass the name of an array as the second argument to getForm() (after the list of columns to use in the form). For example, if you want the column names to be keys in an array called 'new_row', do this:

Custom HTML_QuickForm Objects

Although the getForm() method supports all HTML_QuickForm parameters (such as the name of the form, the method, the action, and so on), you don't need to use DB_Table to create the entire form. If you like, you can create your own HTML_QuickForm object, and add DB_Table columns to it one-by-one or in groups.

DB_Table provides these methods to add automatically-defined elements to pre-existing HTML_QuickForm objects:

Here are example uses of each:

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