- Содержание
- Introduction - DSN -- The Data Source Name
- Introduction - Connect -- Connecting and disconnecting a database
- Introduction - Query -- Performing a query against a database.
- Introduction - Fetch -- Fetching rows from the query
- Introduction - Sequences -- Database sequences
- Introduction - Execute -- Prepare & Execute/ExecuteMultiple
- MDB -- Main class
- MDB::connect() -- connects to database
- MDB::isError() -- checks for an error
- MDB_Common -- Interface for database access
- MDB_Common::affectedRows() -- Number of affected rows
- MDB_Common::createSequence() -- create a new sequence
- MDB_Common::currId() -- returns the current free id of a sequence
- MDB_Common::disconnect() -- disconnect from a database
- MDB_Common::dropSequence() -- deletes a sequence
- MDB_Common::execute() -- executes a prepared SQL statment
- MDB_Common::executeQuery() -- executes a prepared SQL statment
- MDB_Common::executeMultiple() -- repeated execution of a prepared SQL statment
- MDB_Common::fetchAll() -- fetch result set as a nested array
- MDB_Common::fetchCol() -- Fetch a single column
- MDB_Common::fetchOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row
- MDB_Common::fetchRow() -- fetch the first row
- MDB_Common::fetchInto() -- fetch a row into a variable
- MDB_Common::freeResult() -- delete the result set
- MDB_Common::getAll() -- Fetch all rows
- MDB_Common::getAssoc() -- fetch result set as associative array
- MDB_Common::getCol() -- Fetch a single column
- MDB_Common::getOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row
- MDB_Common::getRow() -- fetch the first row
- MDB_Common::getTextValue() -- quotes a string
- MDB_Common::limitQuery() -- send a limited query to the database
- MDB_Common::nextId() -- returns the next free id of a sequence
- MDB_Common::numCols() -- get number of columns
- MDB_Common::numRows() -- get number of rows
- MDB_Common::prepareQuery() -- prepares a SQL statment
- MDB_Common::query() -- send a query to the database
- MDB_Common::queryAll() -- fetch result set as a nested array
- MDB_Common::queryCol() -- Fetch a single column
- MDB_Common::queryOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row
- MDB_Common::queryRow() -- fetch the first row
- MDB_Common::setFetchMode() -- sets the default fetch mode
- MDB_Common::tableInfo() -- get table info from a query
- MDB_Error -- MDB Error object
A unified API for accessing databases, based on user provided meta data.
Пред. | Начало | След. |
DB_Table Data Types | Уровень выше | Introduction - DSN |