
Connecting -- Connecting and disconnecting a database


To instantiate a database object you have several methods available using MDB2.

To connect to a database you have to use the function factory(), connect() or singleton(), which require a valid DSN as the first parameter. This parameter can either be a string or an array. If using an array, the array used gets merged with the default information:
$dsn = array(
    'phptype'  => false,
    'dbsyntax' => false,
    'username' => false,
    'password' => false,
    'protocol' => false,
    'hostspec' => false,
    'port'     => false,
    'socket'   => false,
    'database' => false,
    'new_link' => false,
Any elements you set override the defaults and the remainder stay at their defaults.

The second parameter is the optional $options array that can contain runtime configuration settings for this package.

Таблица 35-2. List of options

Name Type Description
ssl boolean determines if ssl should be used for connections
field_case integer CASE_LOWER|CASE_UPPER: determines what case to force on field/table names
disable_query boolean determines if queries should be executed
result_class string class used for result sets
buffered_result_class string class used for buffered result sets, default is MDB2_Result_Common
result_wrap_class string class used to wrap result sets into, default is MDB2_Result_Common
result_buffering boolean should results be buffered or not?
fetch_class string class to use when fetch mode object is used
persistent boolean persistent connection?
debug integer numeric debug level
debug_handler string function/method that captures debug messages
debug_expanded_output boolean BC option to determine if more context information should be send to the debug handler
default_text_field_length integer default text field length to use
lob_buffer_length integer LOB buffer length
log_line_break string line-break format
idxname_format string pattern with '%s' for index name
seqname_format string pattern with '%s' for sequence name
savepoint_format string pattern with '%s' for auto generated savepoint names
seqcol_name string sequence column name
quote_identifier boolean if identifier quoting should be done when check_option is used
use_transactions boolean if transaction use should be enabled
decimal_places integer number of decimal places to handle
portability integer portability constant
modules array short to long module name mapping for __call()
emulate_prepared boolean force prepared statements to be emulated
datatype_map array map user defined datatypes to other primitive datatypes
'datatype_map_callback array callback function/method that should be called

In case of success you get a new instance of the database class. It is strongly recommened to check this return value with PEAR::isError() (will detect PEAR_Error or any subclass) or the MDB2_Driver_Common specific isError().

To disconnect use the method disconnect() from your database class instance.

См. также

"Intro - Portability", options, setOption(), getOption().

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