Manager Module

Manager Module -- Module for managing database structure


The Manager module provides methods for managing database structure. The methods can be grouped based on their responsibility: create, edit (alter or update), list or delete (drop) database elements. The following document lists the available methods, providing examples of their use. The following tables will be created, altered and finally dropped, in a database named "events_db":

events(id, name, datetime);
people(id, name);
event_participants(event_id, person_id);
To include the Manager module functionality, you need to load it first.
After including the module, you can access its methods like this:
Further in the document the PHP5-compatible way will be used.

Creating database elements

These are methods to create new databases, tables, indices, constraints and sequences.

Creating tables

Now that the database is created, we can proceed with adding some tables. The method createTable() takes three parameters: the table name, an array of field definition and some extra options (optional and RDBMS-specific).

The keys of the definition array are the names of the fields in the table. The values are arrays containing the required key 'type' as well as other keys, depending on the value of 'type'. The values for the 'type' key are the same as the possible MDB2 datatypes. Depending on the datatype, the other options may vary. The third parameter to createTable() contains extra options for the table, based on the underlying RDBMS. Here's an example for MySQL.
To round up the example database, here's the event_participants table creation code.

Creating constraints

In the example events table, the id should be a primary key. Creating a primary key is a task done by the createConstraint() method. It takes three parameters: the table name, the constraint name and the definition array.

Note: Some RDBMS may choose to ignore the name of the constraint, for example MySQL will not use the value keyname provided in the method call, but will use PRIMARY when a primary key is created.

In the definition array, you specify which fields will be included in the constraint, using the fields key. The other possible keys in the definition array are primary and unique, which have boolean values.

Let's create another key in the event_participants, where each row has to be unique, meaning that one person can appear only once for a specific event. The definitions array will have both fields in the fields key and the unique key will be set to true.

Creating indices

To create an index, the method createIndex() is used, which has similar signature as createConstraint(), so it takes table name, index name and a definition array. The definition array has one key fields with a value which is another associative array containing fields that will be a part of the index. The fields are defined as arrays with possible keys:

  • sorting, with values ascending and descending

  • length, integer value

Not all RDBMS will support index sorting or length, in these cases the drivers will ignore them. In the test events database, we can assume that our application will show events occuring in a specific timeframe, so the selects will use the datetime field in WHERE conditions. It will help if there is an index on this field.

Creating sequences

The way MDB2 handles sequences is described here. For the events table in our example database, we'll need to have the 'id' auto-incrementing. For this purpose the method nextId() is used to give the next value. nextId() will create the sequence table if it doesn't exist, but we can create if beforehand with createSequence(). It takes a sequence name and an optional start value for the sequence.

In the default MDB2 setup the example above will create two tables: events_seq and people_seq, each with one field called 'sequence', but the field name and the '_seq' postfix are configurable via the MDB2 options seqname_format and seqcol_name.

Altering database tables

Once a database table is created you can rename it or add, remove, rename and alter fields, using the alterTable() method. alterTable() takes three parameters: the table name, the definition of changes and a boolean "check-only" flag. If true, no changes will be made, but only a check if the proposed changes are feasible for the specific table and RDBMS. The second parameter (definition of changes) is an array with these keys:

The values for add/remove/change/rename keys have slightly different structures, but they all contain field definitions. You can check the API docs for more information and an examples.

Listing database elements

To see what's in the database, you can use the list*() family of functions, namely:

Deleting database elements

For every create*() method as shown above, there is a corresponding drop*() method to delete a database, a table, field, index or constraint. The drop*() methods do not check if the item to be deleted exists, so it's developer's responsibility to check for PEAR errors.

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