
Simple example -- To get started easily
Conquering Glade combo boxes -- How to use glade combos with this class
Gtk2_IndexedComboBox -- The main class
Gtk2_IndexedComboBox_Model -- Model class behind the scenes

Gtk2_IndexedComboBox is meant to be as easy to use as possible, and to have an API similar to the combo boxes created with GtkComboBox::new_text(). You can directly add key/value pairs to the widget instead of using the model (which is possible, too). Retrieving the currently selected key can be done with a single method call.

Both keys and values can be strings, thus allowing integers implicitly. This is very useful if you need a widget to select some row ID from a database, but want to display some descriptive string. By default, a single GtkCellRendererText is used as cell renderer.

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