Intro --
Introduction in usage of
provides an interface to easily send any arbitrary data to HTTP clients.
can gain its data from variables, files or stream resources.
With this package you can easily handle (hidden) downloads.
Hidden means not accessible by the public
- for instance if you want to restrict access to particular downloads.
It supports HTTP compression, caching and partial downloads,
resuming and sending raw data, for example from database BLOBs.
You shouldn't use this package together with ob_gzhandler or
zlib.output_compression enabled in your php.ini, especially
if you want to send already gzipped data!
Usage Examples:
Have a look at the following examples:
Пример 44-1. Static send:
1 $params = array(
2 'file' => '../hidden/download.tgz',
3 'contenttype' => 'application/x-gzip',
4 'contentdisposition' => array(HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT, 'latest.tgz'),
5 );
7 $error = HTTP_Download::staticSend($params, false); |
Пример 44-2. Send a hidden file:
1 $dl = &new HTTP_Download();
2 $dl->setFile('../hidden/download.tgz');
3 $dl->setContentDisposition(HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT, 'latest.tgz');
4 // with ext/magic.mime
5 // $dl->guessContentType();
6 // else:
7 $dl->setContentType('application/x-gzip');
8 $dl->send(); |
Пример 44-3. Send arbitrary data:
1 $dl = &new HTTP_Download();
2 $dl->setData($data);
3 $dl->setLastModified($unix_timestamp);
4 $dl->setContentType('application/x-gzip');
5 $dl->setContentDisposition(HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT, 'latest.tgz');
6 $dl->send(); |
Пример 44-4. Limiting bandwidth:
1 $dl = &new HTTP_Download();
2 $dl->setFile('huge_file.bin');
3 $dl->setBufferSize(25 * 1024); // 25 K
4 $dl->setThrottleDelay(1); // 1 sec
5 $dl->send(); |
Пример 44-5. Sending a PostgreSQL LOB:
1 require_once 'HTTP/Download.php';
2 require_once 'HTTP/Download/PgLOB.php';
3 $dl = &new HTTP_Download();
4 $dl->setResource(
5 HTTP_Download_PgLOB::open(pg_connect('dbname=lobs'), 12345));
6 $dl->send(); |