
Mail_Mime - Example -- generation and sending of a MIME mail
Mail_mimeDecode - Example -- decode an email
Mail_Mime::Mail_Mime() -- creates a new instance
Mail_Mime::addAttachment() -- add attachment
Mail_Mime::addHTMLImage() -- add image to message
Mail_Mime::get() -- build the message
Mail_Mime::headers() -- build the header lines
Mail_Mime::setHTMLBody() -- set HTML part
Mail_Mime::setTxtBody() -- set plain text part
Mail_mimePart::Mail_mimePart() -- constructor
Mail_mimePart::addsubpart() -- add sub part to a MIME part
Mail_mimePart::encode() -- encode a mail
Mail_mimeDecode::Mail_mimeDecode() -- constructor
Mail_mimeDecode::decode() -- perform decoding
Mail_mimeDecode::uudecode() -- decode of UU-coded data
Mail_mimeDecode::getXML() -- create XML representation of MIME parts

A Package to enable easy creation of complex multipart emails. If you look for a simple API for creating such emails, then Mail_Mime class will probably suffice. Else you can use Mail_mimePart, which gives you better control about MIME creation.

Mail_mimeDecode provides a API for decode MIME data.

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