
Components -- List of replicated components


The following functions have been replicated:

Таблица 54-1. Functions

Function Since
array_change_key_case() PHP 4.2.0
array_chunk() PHP 4.2.0
array_combine() PHP 5.0.0
array_diff_assoc() PHP 4.3.0
array_diff_key() PHP 5.0.2
array_diff_ukey() PHP 5.0.2
array_intersect_assoc() PHP 5.0.0
array_intersect_key() PHP 5.0.2
array_intersect_uassoc() PHP 5.0.0
array_intersect_ukey() PHP 5.0.2
array_key_exists() PHP 4.1.0
array_product() PHP 5.1.0
array_search() PHP 4.0.5
array_udiff() PHP 5.0.0
array_udiff_assoc() PHP 5.0.0
array_udiff_uassoc() PHP 5.0.0
array_uintersect() PHP 5.0.0
array_uintersect_assoc() PHP 5.0.0
array_uintersect_uassoc() PHP 5.0.0
array_walk_recursive() PHP 5.0.0
call_user_func_array() PHP 4.0.4
bcinvert() PHP 5.2.0
bcpowmod() PHP 5.0.0
clone() PHP 5.0.0
constant() PHP 4.0.4
convert_uudecode() PHP 5.0.0
convert_uuencode() PHP 5.0.0
debug_print_backtrace() PHP 5.0.0
file_get_contents() PHP 4.3.0
file_put_contents() PHP 5.0.0
floatval() PHP 4.2.0
fprintf() PHP 5.0.0
fputcsv() PHP 5.0.0
get_headers() PHP 5.0.0
get_include_path() PHP 4.3.0
html_entity_decode() PHP 4.3.0
htmlspecialchars_decode() PHP 5.1.0
http_build_query() PHP 5.0.0
ibase_timefmt() PHP 5.0.0
idate() PHP 5.1.0
image_type_to_mime_type() PHP 4.3.0
inet_ntop() PHP 5.1.0
inet_pton() PHP 5.1.0
ini_get_all() PHP 4.2.0
is_a() PHP 4.2.0
is_scalar() PHP 4.0.5
md5_file() PHP 4.2.0
mhash() PHP 4.1.0
mime_content_type() PHP 4.3.0
ob_clean() PHP 4.2.0
ob_flush() PHP 4.2.0
ob_get_clean() PHP 4.3.0
ob_get_flush() PHP 4.3.0
php_strip_whitespace() PHP 5.0.0
property_exists() PHP 5.1.0
pg_affected_rows() PHP 4.2.0
pg_escape_bytea() PHP 4.2.0
pg_unescape_bytea() PHP 4.2.0
restore_include_path() PHP 4.3.0
scandir() PHP 5.0.0
set_include_path() PHP 4.3.0
str_ireplace() PHP 5.0.0
str_rot13() PHP 4.2.0
str_shuffle() PHP 4.3.0
str_split() PHP 5.0.0
str_word_count() PHP 4.3.0
stripos() PHP 5.0.0
strpbrk() PHP 5.0.0
strripos() PHP 5.0.0
substr_compare() PHP 5.0.0
time_sleep_until() PHP 5.1.0
var_export() PHP 4.2.0
version_compare() PHP 4.1.0
vprintf() PHP 4.1.0
vsprintf() PHP 4.1.0


The following constants have been replicated:

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