
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Excel -- Excel Spreadsheet Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for an Excel spreadsheet.

Supported operations modes

This driver supports the following operation modes:


This driver accepts the following options:

General notes

Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader ("PHP-ExcelReader") is not available as a PEAR package. It is available on

This class expects the file reader.php in the directory Spreadsheet/Excel/.

Please note that the current version (2i) of Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader contains a die() statement in the read() method in reader.php (line 171). This makes a reasonable PEAR error handling for the "file not found" error impossible.

It is therefore recommended that you replace the die() statement by something like this:

return PEAR::raiseError('The filename ' . $sFileName . ' is not readable');
This class is optimized for the changed code (but will work also with the die() in the reader class, of course), and provides then a reasonable error handling.

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