
Validate_FI::pin() -- Validate Personal Identity Number (HETU)



Validate Personal Identity Number (HETU).

The Finnish PIN number (HETU) aka Social Security Number (SSN) is a 11 digit number with birthdate as ddmmyycxxxy where c is century, xxx is a three digit individual number and the last digit is a control number (y).

If xxx is odd it's a male PIN number and if even a female.

Return gender (Male or Female) and date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) in array if PIN is valid, is available by switching $info (2nd parameter) to true.

Example: 010101-123N would be a male and born in 1st of January 1901.


string $number

PIN number to be validated

boolean $info

optional; Return gender and date of birth on success

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Returns true or false if $info = false or gender (Male or Female) and date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) in array if PIN is valid, false otherwise


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