Class Summary Services_Weather_Ejse
This class acts as an interface to the soap service of EJSE. It retrieves current weather data and forecasts based on postal codes (ZIP).
Currently this service is only available for US territory.
For a working example, please take a look at docs/Services_Weather/examples/ejse-basic.php
Class Trees for Services_Weather_Ejse
Services_Weather_Ejse Inherited Methods
Таблица 63-1. Inherited from Services_Weather_Common
Method Name | Summary |
Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint() | Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula |
Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity() | Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula |
Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill() | Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula) |
Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance() | Convert distance between km, ft and sm |
Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure() | Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm |
Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed() | Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps |
Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature() | Convert temperature between f and c |
Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat() | Returns the selected units format |
Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian() | Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates |
Services_Weather_Common::setCache() | Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended |
Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat() | Changes the representation of time and dates (see |
Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout() | Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests |
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() | Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric) |
Пред. | Начало | След. |
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() | Уровень выше | Services_Weather_Ejse::getForecast() |