Class Summary Services_Weather_Globalweather
This class acts as an interface to the soap service of It searches for given locations and retrieves current weather data.
GlobalWeather is a SOAP frontend for METAR data, provided by CapeScience. If you want to use METAR, you should try this class first, as it is much more comfortable (and also a bit faster) than the native METAR-class provided by this package.
For a working example, please take a look at docs/Services_Weather/examples/globalweather-basic.php
Class Trees for Services_Weather_Globalweather
Services_Weather_Globalweather Inherited Methods
Таблица 63-1. Inherited from Services_Weather_Common
Method Name | Summary |
Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint() | Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula |
Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity() | Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula |
Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill() | Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula) |
Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance() | Convert distance between km, ft and sm |
Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure() | Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm |
Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed() | Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps |
Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature() | Convert temperature between f and c |
Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat() | Returns the selected units format |
Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian() | Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates |
Services_Weather_Common::setCache() | Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended |
Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat() | Changes the representation of time and dates (see |
Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout() | Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests |
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() | Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric) |
Пред. | Начало | След. |
Services_Weather_Ejse::searchLocationByCountry() | Уровень выше | Services_Weather_Globalweather::getForecast() |