
Examples -- Usage examples for the XML_RPC package

Using a Client to Get Info About the Latest PEAR Release

A Complete Client and Server Combination

Пример 63-2.

Here is the server script. It's named xmlrpc.php and located in the document root of the web server at localhost:

require_once 'XML/RPC/Server.php';

 * Declare the functions, etc.
function returnTimes2($params) {
    $obj = new some_class_name;
    return $obj->returnTimes2($params);
 class some_class_name {
    function returnTimes2($params) {
        $param = $params->getParam(0);

        // This error checking syntax was added in Release 1.3.0
        if (!XML_RPC_Value::isValue($param)) {
            return $param;

        $val = new XML_RPC_Value($param->scalarval() * 2, 'int'); 
        return new XML_RPC_Response($val);

$some_object = new some_class_name;

 * Establish the dispatch map and XML_RPC server instance.
$server = new XML_RPC_Server(
        'function_times2' => array(
            'function' => 'returnTimes2'
        'class_paamayim_nekudotayim_times2' => array(
            'function' => 'some_class_name::returnTimes2'
        'class_times2' => array(
            'function' => array('some_class_name', 'returnTimes2')
        'object_times2' => array(
            'function' => array($some_object, 'returnTimes2')
    1  // serviceNow

And here is the client script:

require_once 'XML/RPC.php';

$input = 8;
$params = array(new XML_RPC_Value($input, 'int'));
$msg = new XML_RPC_Message('function_times2', $params);

$cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', 'localhost');
// $cli->setDebug(1);
$resp = $cli->send($msg);

if (!$resp) {
    echo 'Communication error: ' . $cli->errstr;

if (!$resp->faultCode()) {
    $val = $resp->value();
    echo $input . ' times 2 is ' . $val->scalarval();
} else {
     * Display problems that have been gracefully cought and
     * reported by the xmlrpc.php script.
    echo 'Fault Code: ' . $resp->faultCode() . "\n";
    echo 'Fault Reason: ' . $resp->faultString() . "\n";

Automatically encoding data

The XML_RPC_encode() function automatically converts PHP data into the format needed by the XML_RPC library.

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