
Options -- List of all XML_Beautifier options

Introduction to options

Options let you influence the beautifiying process. They are passed to the renderer and thus, you have to check, whether the renderer you are using supports the options you want to use.

As there currently is only one renderer (Plain) available, you should not worry about this too much.

Options can be passed as an associative array to the constructor of XML_Beautifier. You may also use setOption(), or setOptions() to set one or more options after the instance of XML_Beautifier has been created.

All available options

Here is a list of all options supported by XML_Beautifier.

Options example

The following example shows how to set options for XML_Beautifier.

Options example setting options at a later point

The following example shows how to set options for XML_Beautifier, if the instance already has been created.

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