APC User Cache
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Предопределенные константы
- APCu Функции
- apcu_add — Cache a new variable in the data store
- apcu_cache_info — Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store
- apcu_cas — Updates an old value with a new value
- apcu_clear_cache — Clears the APCu cache
- apcu_dec — Decrease a stored number
- apcu_delete — Removes a stored variable from the cache
- apcu_entry — Atomically fetch or generate a cache entry
- apcu_exists — Checks if entry exists
- apcu_fetch — Fetch a stored variable from the cache
- apcu_inc — Increase a stored number
- apcu_sma_info — Retrieves APCu Shared Memory Allocation information
- apcu_store — Cache a variable in the data store
- APCUIterator — The APCUIterator class
- APCUIterator::__construct — Constructs an APCUIterator iterator object
- APCUIterator::current — Get current item
- APCUIterator::getTotalCount — Get total count
- APCUIterator::getTotalHits — Get total cache hits
- APCUIterator::getTotalSize — Get total cache size
- APCUIterator::key — Get iterator key
- APCUIterator::next — Move pointer to next item
- APCUIterator::rewind — Rewinds iterator
- APCUIterator::valid — Checks if current position is valid
- Alternative PHP Cache
- APCu
- Расширенный отладчик PHP
- PHP bytecode Compiler
- Blenc - BLowfish ENCoder for PHP source scripts
- Обработка и протоколирование ошибок
- htaccess-like support for all SAPIs
- Inclusion hierarchy viewer
- Memtrack
- OPcache
- Управление буфером вывода
- PHP Опции и Информация
- runkit
- Break the silence operator
- uopz
- Weak References
- Windows Cache for PHP
- Hierarchical Profiler
To use apcu, the apcu extension has to be installed. You can find it here https://pecl.php.net/package/APCu
Note: apcu is not the same as apc!
APCu is the official replacement for the outdated APC extension. APC provided both opcode caching (opcache) and object caching. As PHP versions 5.5 and above include their own opcache, APC was no longer compatible, and its opcache functionality became useless. The developers of APC then created APCu, which offers only the object caching (read "in memory data caching") functionality (they removed the outdated opcache).
Wondering how to use apcu? The following example should give you a basic understanding.
$apcuAvailabe = function_exists('apcu_enabled') && apcu_enabled();
$test1 = apcu_fetch('test1');
$test2 = apcu_fetch('test2');
$test1[] = rand(1, 1000);
$test2[] = rand(1, 1000);
apcu_store('test1', $test1);
apcu_store('test2', $test2);
echo sprintf('current - value = %s<br/>', implode(' ,', $test1));
echo sprintf('current - value = %s<br/>', implode(' ,', $test2));
$aPCUIterator = new APCUIterator();
echo sprintf('totalCount = %s<br/>', $aPCUIterator->getTotalCount());
//echo sprintf('totalHits = %s<br/>', $aPCUIterator->getTotalHits()); // Not implemneted/available?
echo sprintf('totalSize = %s<br/>', $aPCUIterator->getTotalSize());
echo '----------------------------------<br/>';
echo sprintf('key = %s<br/>', $aPCUIterator->key());
echo '----------------------------------<br/>';
echo sprintf('key = %s<br/>', $aPCUIterator->key());
echo sprintf('valid = %s<br/>', $aPCUIterator->valid() ? 'true' : 'false');
function echoCurrent($current)
echo sprintf('current - type = %s<br/>', $current['type']);
echo sprintf('current - key = %s<br/>', $current['key']);
echo sprintf('current - value = %s<br/>', implode(' ,', $current['value']));
//echo sprintf('current - num_hits = %s<br/>', $current['num_hits']); // Not implemneted/available?
echo sprintf('current - mtime = %s<br/>', date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $current['mtime']));
echo sprintf('current - creation_time = %s<br/>', date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $current['creation_time']));
echo sprintf('current - deletion_time = %s<br/>', date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $current['deletion_time']));
echo sprintf('current - access_time = %s<br/>', date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $current['access_time']));
//echo sprintf('current - ref_count = %s<br/>', $current['ref_count']); // Not implemneted/available?
echo sprintf('current - mem_size = %s<br/>', $current['mem_size']);
//echo sprintf('current - ttl = %s<br/>', $current['ttl']); // Not implemneted/available?