(PHP 7)
IntlChar::foldCase — Perform case folding on a code point
public static mixed IntlChar::foldCase
( mixed
[, int $options
] )The given character is mapped to its case folding equivalent; if the character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned.
Список параметров
Возвращаемые значения
Returns the Simple_Case_Folding of the code point, if any; otherwise the code point itself.
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Поддержка языков и кодировок
- Internationalization Functions
- IntlChar::charAge
- IntlChar::charDigitValue
- IntlChar::charDirection
- IntlChar::charFromName
- IntlChar::charMirror
- IntlChar::charName
- IntlChar::charType
- IntlChar::chr
- IntlChar::digit
- IntlChar::enumCharNames
- IntlChar::enumCharTypes
- IntlChar::foldCase
- IntlChar::forDigit
- IntlChar::getBidiPairedBracket
- IntlChar::getBlockCode
- IntlChar::getCombiningClass
- IntlChar::getFC_NFKC_Closure
- IntlChar::getIntPropertyMaxValue
- IntlChar::getIntPropertyMinValue
- IntlChar::getIntPropertyValue
- IntlChar::getNumericValue
- IntlChar::getPropertyEnum
- IntlChar::getPropertyName
- IntlChar::getPropertyValueEnum
- IntlChar::getPropertyValueName
- IntlChar::getUnicodeVersion
- IntlChar::hasBinaryProperty
- IntlChar::isalnum
- IntlChar::isalpha
- IntlChar::isbase
- IntlChar::isblank
- IntlChar::iscntrl
- IntlChar::isdefined
- IntlChar::isdigit
- IntlChar::isgraph
- IntlChar::isIDIgnorable
- IntlChar::isIDPart
- IntlChar::isIDStart
- IntlChar::isISOControl
- IntlChar::isJavaIDPart
- IntlChar::isJavaIDStart
- IntlChar::isJavaSpaceChar
- IntlChar::islower
- IntlChar::isMirrored
- IntlChar::isprint
- IntlChar::ispunct
- IntlChar::isspace
- IntlChar::istitle
- IntlChar::isUAlphabetic
- IntlChar::isULowercase
- IntlChar::isupper
- IntlChar::isUUppercase
- IntlChar::isUWhiteSpace
- IntlChar::isWhitespace
- IntlChar::isxdigit
- IntlChar::ord
- IntlChar::tolower
- IntlChar::totitle
- IntlChar::toupper
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