
unescape is used to decode entity, html and htmlall. It counters the effects of the escape modifier for the given types.

Parameter Position Type Required Possible Values Default Description
1 string No html, htmlall, entity, html This is the escape format to use.
2 string No ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, and any character set supported by htmlentities() UTF-8 The character set encoding passed to html_entity_decode() or htmlspecialchars_decode() or mb_convert_encoding() et. al.

Пример 5.22. escape


                "Germans use &quot;&Uuml;mlauts&quot; and pay in &euro;uro"



These are example unescape template lines followed by the output

Germans use &quot;&Uuml;mlauts&quot; and pay in &euro;uro

Germans use "&Uuml;mlauts" and pay in &euro;uro

Germans use "Ümlauts" and pay in €uro


See also escaping smarty parsing, escape modifier.

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