Xitami on Microsoft Windows

This section contains notes and hints specific to » Xitami on Windows.

Замечание: You should read the manual installation steps first!

This list describes how to set up the PHP CGI binary to work with Xitami on Windows.

Замечание: Important for CGI users Read the faq on cgi.force_redirect for important details. This directive needs to be set to 0. If you want to use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] you have to enable the cgi.fix_pathinfo directive.


Используя установку CGI, ваш сервер открыт для нескольких возможных атак. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с разделом "Безопасность CGI" чтобы узнать, как можно защитить себя от этих атак.

  • Make sure the web server is running, and point your browser to xitamis admin console (usually, and click on Configuration.

  • Navigate to the Filters, and put the extension which PHP should parse (i.e. .php) into the field File extensions (.xxx).

  • In Filter command or script put the path and name of your PHP CGI executable i.e. C:\php\php.exe for PHP 4, or C:\php\php-cgi.exe for PHP 5.

  • Press the 'Save' icon.

  • Restart the server to reflect changes.


[Editors Note]
You can force IE to disregard a cached page by pressing the Control key and click the Refresh button.

Please, do not forget the IE caches files.

I had a test.php and got the error message. I changed the defaults.cfg and also the cgi.force_redirect to = 0. After restarting the Xitami the error message was still there. 
After a while I saved the test.php file to test2.php and found that it is working fine...
2002-11-30 16:51:00
Using the CGI (c:\php[version]\php.exe) with Xitami since PHP version 4.3.2 requires the following setting in php.ini before the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] call will return a value:


Note that $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] still works.
2003-09-12 07:54:46
I was only able to get PHP (4.3.3) working under Xitami (2.5c0) on Windows XP (SP1) by adding the following lines to defaults.cfg:


Note the quotation marks and the forward slashes in the filter section.
2003-10-16 16:39:06
I have developed a small GUI in c++, which runs XITAMI and configures the Xitami ISAPI interface for use with PHP. It is so much faster than the PHP cgi interface and appears to be more stable too. 
Take a look here: http://catalog.net.au/xisapi/default.html
Ron Boles
Melbourne, Australia
2004-04-12 08:57:48
I am running xitami as a business www server on ms-windows. I have a number of long-running PHP scripts. I developed a tiny java applet to receive and display progressive status information from these slow scripts. It effectively facilitates SERVER PUSH from PHP scripts to IE and Netscape browsers.  Take a look: catalog.net.au/netClient.zip (Ron Boles, Melbourne, Australia)
2004-09-18 10:23:25
I have successfully configured Xitami using cgi.redirect
in PHP
set cgi.redirect = 1
set cgi.redirect_status = CGI_REDIRECT_STATUS;

in Xitami, defaults.cfg
2004-11-02 08:07:13
I used php v 5.1.4 and the latest Xitami version.

1st change, use 'C:\php\php-win.exe' (in Windows OS) instead of 'C:\php\php-cgi.exe'

2nd change, you must click on the save button after you have changed the filters page and then again in the standarn configuration page.

finally, restart the server by going to the windows Gui interface (right click on the Xitami symbol in the system tray and choose properties) and click suspend (so the background for the 'X' goes red) then click start again.

hope this helps anyone with problems
2007-01-06 11:22:16
I was able to get it to work with the info from Alex (
06-Jan-2007 12:22) with one addition though.

When I did the steps he mentioned I did not see anything yet in my browser. 
I still had to hard refresh my page by CTRL-F5, then I finally had an output from my testscript.

2008-03-07 09:31:00

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