
Используя директиву --with-mysql[=DIR] вы можете включить в PHP поддержку СУБД MySQL.

В PHP 4, директива --with-mysql включена по умолчанию. Чтобы отключить её, используйте директиву конфигурации --without-mysql. Кроме того, в PHP 4, при включении директивы без указания пути к папке установки MySQL, PHP будет использовать встроенную библиотеку MySQL-клиента. В Windows специальные DLL отсутствуют, клиент всегда встроен в PHP4. При использовании приложений использующих MySQL (к примеру, auth-mysql) не стоит использовать встроенную библиотеку -- укажите путь к папке установки MySQL, что будет выглядеть примерно так: --with-mysql=/path/to/mysql. Это заставит PHP использовать библиотеку, установленную MySQL, что позволит избежать любых конфликтов.

В PHP 5 поддержка MySQL больше не включена по умолчанию, кроме того в нём отсутствует встроенная библиотека-клиент. Подробнее о причине можно прочитать в FAQ.

Расширение работает с MySQL версий >= 4.1.0, но не эксплуатирует всю возможную функциональность этих версий. Для этого используйте MySQLi.


Сбои в работе PHP могут иметь место при загрузке совместно этого расширения и расширения для работы с библиотекой GNU Recode. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь к разделу о расширении для recode.

Замечание: Если вам требуется поддержка кодировок (отличных от latin, установленной по умолчанию), вам придётся установить внешнюю библиотеку, скомпилированную с их поддержкой.


In windows systems, the same error "unable to load dynamic library php_mysql.dll" will happen, if there's an old version of the file in the "windows\system32" folder.
Either remove it or update it.
2008-05-12 08:42:25
I have experienced exactly the same problem as flo_stefi at yahoo dot com below. It appears that instead of loading libmysql.dll that came with the PHP package, the PHP engine was loading libmySQL.dll located in MySQL's bin directory, which was causing Apache to crash.

I fixed the problem by renaming MySQL's libmySQL.dll into libmySQL_renamed.dll. Now PHP loads the library that came with its package and everything works fine.
2009-06-22 05:46:06
I believe that this is happens especially with Windows 7.  As far I I've been able to tell XP and Vista come with this line enabled, but windows 7 comments it out and notes that the DNS will handle this.
2010-04-30 16:32:30
i've experienced a similar (if not the same) problem.

to enable the mysql_... and mysqli_... funtionality, i opened the php.ini file to uncomment the following lines:

but phpinfo() still stated that no mysql extensions were loaded.
i tried the fixes and suggestions above with no success.
so i invoked the windows shell and typed ("Path" environment variable set to the PHP & MySQL directories):
php.exe -m

this returned the following error: "PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\php5\php_mysql.dll' - Module not found."

this told me that PHP didn't recognize what i thought was the extensions directory. it searched all other places first (sys-dir, workin'-dir, the MySQL "bin" dir because of the "Path" variable set, and even a curious directory "C:\php5" that doesn't even exist on my mashine) but not the expected "ext" directory.

so the fix was to go to "php.ini" again and uncomment the following line:

this fixed it for me.
so if module loading is done improperly, first of all check the "Path" environment variable and the "php.ini" file - especially the "extension_dir" config value - and check if all values are set to their correct values.

hope this helps any1.

OS: Win7 Ultimate x86
Apache v2.2.16
PHP v5.3.3
MySQL v5.1.50
2010-09-03 12:13:25
Please note that libmySQL.dll in MySQL bin directory should be renamed in order to use right library (that comes with PHP).
2011-04-30 15:39:41
I had problems when moving from a version of PHP that used the isapi dll to the fast cgi version. The script to register the script maps compained that there was already a script map in place.

I went to the IIS control panel, right clicked on websites and removed the php association in the Home Directory | Configuration screen.

However, the fastcgi script still complained about existing script map. Finally I tracked it down, I had to right click on Default Web Site and clear out the php mappings from there too.

Then it all worked, except that for some strange reason, the php.ini file that gets picked up is the one from my old PHP directory, not the latest upgrade one. But this can be detected by running phpinfo which shows the loaded php.ini file so I knew which one to amend with the fastcgi options.

Bit of a hassle to figure it all out but it does work in the end.
2011-07-27 13:55:39
Could not install mysql, on windows, had several conflicts or bugs.

In order to solve it:

* Used the "libmysql.dll" provided by PHP zip files, not the one that comes with Mysql, the mysql file had to be moved or deleted from its folder. Put it on the "apache/bin" folder, altought some use it in "windows" folder.

* Originally, moved "*mysql*.dll" files from its extension folder, and returned back.

* enabled mysql driver extensions in the "php.ini" file, but also enabled some extensions, that seemed not to be required, but, it did, like "php_openssl.dll" or "php_pdo.dll" on an early version of php.

Added the "PHPIniDir xxx"" to the "httpd.conf" apache config. file, where xxx is the path to the folder where the "php.ini" file is located, and make sure its the same.

Be warned, that this fixes, may help or not, for your installation, since there are many ways to configure the same thing (to solve a problem).
2012-12-11 21:28:08

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