
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5)

xslt_set_base — Set the base URI for all XSLT transformations


void xslt_set_base ( resource $xh , string $uri )

Sets the base URI for all XSLT transformations, the base URI is used with Xpath instructions to resolve document() and other commands which access external resources. It is also used to resolve URIs for the <xsl:include> and <xsl:import> elements.

Список параметров


The XSLT processor link identifier, created with xslt_create().


The base URI to be used.

Возвращаемые значения

Эта функция не возвращает значения после выполнения.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
4.3.0 As of PHP 4.3.0, the default base URI is the directory of the executing script. In effect, it is the directory name value of the __FILE__ constant. The default base URI is less predictable with older versions.


Замечание: Учтите, что в случае использования Windows, вам нужно указать file:// в начале пути.


i use xslt and page can be generated in two mode, one using <? xml-stylesheet href='page.xsl' >, one other using the php sablotron libthe first one use path relative to the xsl file for includes but the second with sablotron consider all the includes as relative to the set base pathis there any way to get sablotron to resolve include as relative to xslt file instead of the set_base for all files ?
2008-02-26 19:20:15

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