
(PHP 4)

ibase_timefmtSets the format of timestamp, date and time type columns returned from queries


bool ibase_timefmt ( string $format [, int $columntype = IBASE_TIMESTAMP ] )

Sets the format of timestamp, date or time type columns returned from queries.

You can set defaults for these formats with the PHP configuration directives ibase.timestampformat, ibase.dateformat and ibase.timeformat.


This function has been removed from PHP 5, use ini_set() instead.

Список параметров


Internally, the columns are formatted by c-function strftime(), so refer to its documentation regarding to the format of the string.


columntype is one of the constants IBASE_TIMESTAMP, IBASE_DATE and IBASE_TIME. If omitted, defaults to IBASE_TIMESTAMP for backwards compatibility.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.


Пример #1 ibase_timefmt() example

/* InterBase 6 TIME-type columns will be returned in
 * the form '05 hours 37 minutes'. */
ibase_timefmt("%H hours %M minutes"IBASE_TIME);


I use this code (for easy migration from PHP4 to PHP5):

 * Constant definitions that has been removed from PHP 5
const IBASE_DATE = "ibase.dateformat";
const IBASE_TIME = "ibase.timeformat";
const IBASE_TIMESTAMP = "ibase.timestampformat";

 * Sets the format of timestamp, date or time type
 * columns returned from queries
function ibase_timefmt($format, $where = IBASE_TIMESTAMP)
 ini_set($where, $format);
2006-02-03 02:21:18

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