
(PECL imagick 2.0.0)

Imagick::setImageMatteSets the image matte channel


bool Imagick::setImageMatte ( bool $matte )

Sets the image matte channel. Этот метод доступен, если Imagick был скомпилирован с версией ImageMagick 6.2.9 или старше.

Список параметров


True activates the matte channel and false disables it.

Возвращаемые значения

В случае успешной работы возвращает TRUE.


I found this method is needed when creating a font / image mask, and needs to be set to false otherwise the mask won't take effect. Here is an example:


// Create objects
$image = new Imagick('myImage.png');
$watermark = new Imagick();
$mask = new Imagick();
$draw = new ImagickDraw();

// Define dimensions
$width $image->getImageWidth();
$height $image->getImageHeight();

// Create some palettes
$watermark->newImage($width$height, new ImagickPixel('grey30'));
$mask->newImage($width$height, new ImagickPixel('black'));

// Watermark text
$text 'Copyright';

// Set font properties

// Position text

// Draw text on the watermark palette

// Draw text on the mask palette

// This is apparently needed for the mask to work

// Apply mask to watermark

// Overlay watermark on image

// Set output image format

// Output the new image
header('Content-type: image/png');

2011-10-06 04:33:02

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