
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5)

SWFShape->drawCurveToDraws a curve


int SWFShape::drawCurveTo ( float $controlx , float $controly , float $anchorx , float $anchory [, float $targetx ], float $targety )

Эта функция является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЙ. Поведение этой функции, ее имя и относящаяся к ней документация могут измениться в последующих версиях PHP без уведомления. Используйте эту функцию на свой страх и риск.

swfshape->drawcurveto() draws a quadratic curve (using the current line style, set by swfshape->setline()) from the current pen position to (anchorx,anchory) using (controlx,controly) as a control point. That is, head towards the control point, then smoothly turn to the anchor point.

With 6 parameters, it draws a cubic bezier to point (targetx, targety) with control points (controlx, controly) and (anchorx, anchory).

Смотрите также


for those new this all this, "anchor" is where you want to end up and "control" is the point you would go to if you were drawing a square.

for example, this would draw a quarter circle
2005-06-30 22:28:48

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