(PHP 4, PHP 5)
dir — Класс directory
Псевдо-объектно-ориентированный механизм для чтения каталога, переданного в параметре каталог . С момента открытия каталога становятся доступными два свойства класса. Свойство "handle" может быть использовано с другими функциями для работы с каталогами, например, с функциями readdir(), rewinddir() и closedir(). Свойство "path" содержит путь к открытому каталогу. Доступны три метода: read, rewind and close.
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на способ, которым осуществляется проверка значения, возвращаемого методами класса dir() в примере, приведенном ниже. В этом примере проводится проверка значения на идентичность (выражения идентичны, когда они равны и являются одного типа - за более подробной информацией обратитесь к главе Операторы сравнения) значению FALSE, поскольку в ином случае, любой элемент каталога, чье имя может быть выражено как FALSE, остановит цикл.
Пример #1 Пример использования класса dir()
$d = dir("/etc");
echo "Дескриптор: ".$d->handle."<br>\n";
echo "Путь: ".$d->path."<br>\n";
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
echo $entry."<br>\n";
Замечание: Порядок, в котором метод "read" возвращает элементы каталога, зависит от операционной системы.
Замечание: Также, PHP автоматически определяет внутренний класс Directory, что означает, что вы не сможете определять собственные классы с таким же именем. За полным списком предопределенных классов обратитесь к главе Предопределенные классы.
i've modified the script below to get the leaf folders of any directory (folders with no subfolders).
note: this does not return the folder passed in as a parameter, even if it has no subfolders.
function get_leaf_dirs($dir) {
$array = array();
$d = dir($dir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') {
$entry = $dir.'/'.$entry;
if(is_dir($entry)) {
$subdirs = get_leaf_dirs($entry);
if ($subdirs)
$array = array_merge($array, $subdirs);
$array[] = $entry;
return $array;
This one's pretty nice. After getting frustrated for hunting down .jpg files in my massive music collection (PHP would run out of memory), I thought there should be a preg_ls function.
function preg_ls ($path=".", $rec=false, $pat="/.*/") {
// it's going to be used repeatedly, ensure we compile it for speed.
$pat=preg_replace("|(/.*/[^S]*)|s", "\\1S", $pat);
//Remove trailing slashes from path
while (substr($path,-1,1)=="/") $path=substr($path,0,-1);
//also, make sure that $path is a directory and repair any screwups
if (!is_dir($path)) $path=dirname($path);
//assert either truth or falsehoold of $rec, allow no scalars to mean truth
if ($rec!==true) $rec=false;
//get a directory handle
//initialise the output array
//loop, reading until there's no more to read
while (false!==($e=$d->read())) {
//Ignore parent- and self-links
if (($e==".")||($e=="..")) continue;
//If we're working recursively and it's a directory, grab and merge
if ($rec && is_dir($path."/".$e)) {
//If it don't match, exclude it
if (!preg_match($pat,$e)) continue;
//In all other cases, add it to the output array
//finally, return the array
return $ret;
Not bad for a mere 18 lines, don't you think?
Example use:
foreach (preg_ls("/etc/X11", true, "/.*\.conf/i") as $file) echo $file."\n";
Saw the leaf dirs bit... quick mod:
function preg_ls ($path=".", $rec=false, $pat="/.*/") {
$pat=preg_replace ("|(/.*/[^S]*)|s", "\\1S", $pat);
while (substr ($path,-1,1) =="/") $path=substr ($path,0,-1);
if (!is_dir ($path) ) $path=dirname ($path);
if ($rec!==true) $rec=false;
$d=dir ($path);
$ret=Array ();
while (false!== ($e=$d->read () ) ) {
if ( ($e==".") || ($e=="..") ) continue;
if ($rec && is_dir ($path."/".$e) ) {
$ret=array_merge ($ret,preg_ls($path."/".$e,$rec,$pat));
if (!preg_match ($pat,$e) ) continue;
return (empty ($ret) && preg_match ($pat,basename($path))) ? Array ($path."/") : $ret;
foreach (preg_ls ("/usr/share/fluxbox", true, "/[LT]e[sa]/i") as $file) echo $file."\n";
Regarding jaqb's post about a correction to the read_dir function, I have one small fix too if people wish to also list the directories inside this directory and read them into the same array.
function read_dir($dir) {
$array = array();
$d = dir($dir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') {
$entry = $dir.'/'.$entry;
if(is_dir($entry)) {
$array[] = $entry;
$array = array_merge($array, read_dir($entry));
} else {
$array[] = $entry;
return $array;
Note that the dir object will use the default encoding for non-unicode programs on Windows with PHP 5.x.
So, if you have a file named with characters unsupported by the current default encoding, the dir->read() method will return a wrong entry.
** This script is on the same directory than a file named with
** unsupported characters for the current default encoding.
$d = dir("./");
while(false !== ($e = $d->read()))
echo $e . '<br/>';
This will print a "?" for every unsupported characters, and not the right file name. So take care if you check with is_file/is_dir right after enumerating.
Regarding samuel's comment about the dir() function not supporting Unicode properly, it's all in the encoding. The function does NOT internally change Unicode characters into question marks (?), as I was first led to believe. If you simply try to output them in UTF-8, they'll show up just right.
function directoryList($start,$win32=false){
$basename = pathinfo($start);
$basename = $basename['basename'];
$dir = dir($start);
while($item = $dir->read()){
if(is_dir($start.$slash.$item)&& $item!="." && $item!=".."){
return $ls;
$path = pathinfo(__FILE__);
$ls = directoryList($path['dirname'], true);
IMHO, thats take most effect with smaller number of errors;)
function get_leaf_dirs($dir)
$array = array();
$d = @dir($dir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..')
$entry = $dir.'/'.$entry;
$subdirs = get_leaf_dirs($entry);
if ($subdirs)
$array = array_merge($array, $subdirs);
$array[] = $entry;
return $array;
$i = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('.'));
works for me..
With SPL, you could recursively list all of the folders inside the current directory like this:
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('./');
// RecursiveIteratorIterator accepts the following modes:
// LEAVES_ONLY = 0 (default)
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, 2) as $path) {
if ($path->isDir()) {
echo "$path\n";
The dir Class, from what I can tell, on a Windows box is not a live image of the directory. When the class is instantiated it takes a snapshot of the directory and then the iterator works off that.
I may be wrong, but when I run two processes that look to see if a directory exists, and then deletes the dir when some processing takes place. Deletes from one process do not effect the iteration of the second.
To get around this I check that the file exists before doing my processing:
$d = dir($dataDir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
if ($entry != '..' && $entry != '.' && file_exists("$dataDir\\$entry"))
// do stuff
I run this as a batch process and can activate it multiple times to process the directory listing in parallel.
Unlike the others here I've created a function that returns the directory's in a 2-dimensional array. Starting from the requested dir:
getDirTree(string $dir [, bool $showfiles]);
$dir of the folder you want to list, be sure to have an ending /
$showfiles set to 'false' if files shouldnt be listed in the output array
function getDirTree($dir,$p=true) {
$d = dir($dir);$x=array();
while (false !== ($r = $d->read())) {
if($r!="."&&$r!=".."&&(($p==false&&is_dir($dir.$r))||$p==true)) {
$x[$r] = (is_dir($dir.$r)?array():(is_file($dir.$r)?true:false));
foreach ($x as $key => $value) {
if (is_dir($dir.$key."/")) {
$x[$key] = getDirTree($dir.$key."/",$p);
return $x;
Example Output:
[folder1] => Array
[subfolder1] => Array()
[subfolder2] => Array()
[text.txt] => 1
[folder2] => Array()
[folder3] => Array
[text.txt] => 1
Here my solution how to do effective recursiv directory listing.
Have fun.
* example of use:
$d = new RecDir("/etc/",false);
echo "Path: " . $d->getRootPath() . "\n";
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
echo $entry."\n";
class RecDir
protected $currentPath;
protected $slash;
protected $rootPath;
protected $recursiveTree;
function __construct($rootPath,$win=false)
case true:
$this->slash = '\\';
$this->slash = '/';
$this->rootPath = $rootPath;
$this->currentPath = $rootPath;
$this->recursiveTree = array(dir($this->rootPath));
function __destruct()
public function close()
while(true === ($d = array_pop($this->recursiveTree)))
public function closeChildren()
while(count($this->recursiveTree)>1 && false !== ($d = array_pop($this->recursiveTree)))
return true;
return false;
public function getRootPath()
return $this->rootPath;
return false;
public function getCurrentPath()
return $this->currentPath;
return false;
public function read()
$d = end($this->recursiveTree);
if((false !== ($entry = $d->read())))
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..')
$path = $d->path.$entry;
return $path;
$this->currentPath = $path.$this->slash;
if($child = @dir($path.$this->slash))
$this->recursiveTree[] = $child;
return false;
public function rewind()
public function rewindCurrent()
return end($this->recursiveTree)->rewind();
That's the way, I'm storing recursive dirs to an array.
public static function getTreeFolders($sRootPath = UPLOAD_PATH_PROJECT, $iDepth = 0) {
$aDirs = array();
$oDir = dir($sRootPath);
while(($sDir = $oDir->read()) !== false) {
if($sDir != '.' && $sDir != '..' && is_dir($sRootPath.$sDir)) {
$aDirs[$iDepth]['sName'][] = $sDir;
$aDirs[$iDepth]['aSub'][] = self::getTreeFolders($sRootPath.$sDir.'/',$iDepth);
return empty($aDirs) ? false : $aDirs;
When creating custom solutions, use predefined PHP constants to shorten your code and improve performances:
For example, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR may replace a function in which you check PHP_OS to set if the directory separator is "/" or "\\".
to get a dir of http://www.example.com/directory
function remotedir($dir)
$dir = str_replace(" ", "%20", html_entity_decode($dir));
if (($rh = fopen($dir, 'rb')) === FALSE) { return false; }
$i = 0;
while (!feof($rh)) {
$archivos = fgetss($rh);
$directorio[$i++] = trim( substr($archivos,1,strpos($archivos," ",1)) );
return $directorio;
/*Simple, good looking recursive function for printing directories.
Just copy/paste and it is ready to go!*/
function printCurrentDirRecursively($originDirectory, $printDistance=0){
// just a little html-styling
if($printDistance==0)echo '<div style="color:#35a; font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px;">';
$leftWhiteSpace = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $printDistance; $i++) $leftWhiteSpace = $leftWhiteSpace." ";
$CurrentWorkingDirectory = dir($originDirectory);
if($entry != "." && $entry != ".."){
echo $leftWhiteSpace."<b>".$entry."</b><br>\n";
printCurrentDirRecursively($originDirectory."\\".$entry, $printDistance+2);
echo $leftWhiteSpace.$entry."<br>\n";
if($printDistance==0)echo "</div>";