Windows Cache for PHP
- Introduction
- Installing/Configuring
- Predefined Constants
- WinCache Functions
- wincache_fcache_fileinfo — Retrieves information about files cached in the file cache
- wincache_fcache_meminfo — Retrieves information about file cache memory usage
- wincache_lock — Acquires an exclusive lock on a given key
- wincache_ocache_fileinfo — Retrieves information about files cached in the opcode cache
- wincache_ocache_meminfo — Retrieves information about opcode cache memory usage
- wincache_refresh_if_changed — Refreshes the cache entries for the cached files
- wincache_rplist_fileinfo — Retrieves information about resolve file path cache
- wincache_rplist_meminfo — Retrieves information about memory usage by the resolve file path cache
- wincache_scache_info — Retrieves information about files cached in the session cache
- wincache_scache_meminfo — Retrieves information about session cache memory usage
- wincache_ucache_add — Adds a variable in user cache only if variable does not already exist in the cache
- wincache_ucache_cas — Compares the variable with old value and assigns new value to it
- wincache_ucache_clear — Deletes entire content of the user cache
- wincache_ucache_dec — Decrements the value associated with the key
- wincache_ucache_delete — Deletes variables from the user cache
- wincache_ucache_exists — Checks if a variable exists in the user cache
- wincache_ucache_get — Gets a variable stored in the user cache
- wincache_ucache_inc — Increments the value associated with the key
- wincache_ucache_info — Retrieves information about data stored in the user cache
- wincache_ucache_meminfo — Retrieves information about user cache memory usage
- wincache_ucache_set — Adds a variable in user cache and overwrites a variable if it already exists in the cache
- wincache_unlock — Releases an exclusive lock on a given key
- Building for Windows
- Alternative PHP Cache
- APCu
- Расширенный отладчик PHP
- PHP bytecode Compiler
- Blenc - BLowfish ENCoder for PHP source scripts
- Обработка и протоколирование ошибок
- htaccess-like support for all SAPIs
- Inclusion hierarchy viewer
- Memtrack
- OPcache
- Управление буфером вывода
- PHP Опции и Информация
- runkit
- Break the silence operator
- uopz
- Weak References
- Windows Cache for PHP
- Hierarchical Profiler
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