The GearmanJob class

(PECL gearman >= 0.5.0)


Class synopsis

GearmanJob {
/* Methods */
public bool complete ( string $result )
public __construct ( void )
public bool data ( string $data )
public bool exception ( string $exception )
public bool fail ( void )
public string functionName ( void )
public string handle ( void )
public int returnCode ( void )
public bool sendComplete ( string $result )
public bool sendData ( string $data )
public bool sendException ( string $exception )
public bool sendFail ( void )
public bool sendStatus ( int $numerator , int $denominator )
public bool sendWarning ( string $warning )
public bool setReturn ( int $gearman_return_t )
public bool status ( int $numerator , int $denominator )
public string unique ( void )
public bool warning ( string $warning )
public string workload ( void )
public int workloadSize ( void )

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