The UnexpectedValueException class

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)


Exception thrown if a value does not match with a set of values. Typically this happens when a function calls another function and expects the return value to be of a certain type or value not including arithmetic or buffer related errors.

Class synopsis

UnexpectedValueException extends RuntimeException {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Exception Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )


const TYPE_FOO = 'foo';
const TYPE_BAR = 'bar';

public function doSomething($x) {
   if($x != self::TYPE_FOO || $x != self::TYPE_BAR) {
       throw new UnexpectedValueException('Le paramètre doit être l\'une des constantes TYPE_*');
2017-01-26 15:41:45

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